From Business Casual”.
What do train air brakes, alternating current electricity, natural gas, and the weekend all have in common? Answer: George Westinghouse! In this mini-documentary, we explore the life of a forgotten titan who shaped America as we know it but receives only a mere fraction of the recognition he certainly deserves.
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Question of the day: Would you rather be a train brakeman or a natural gas flare operator?
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📚 If you enjoyed this documentary about George Westinghouse and want to learn even more about this overlooked titan, we recommend you read the book "Gentle Genius" by Quentin R. Skrabec Jr. 👉 (as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases).
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▶️ Previous #Documentary: "How Andrew Carnegie Became The Richest Man In The World"
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NOTE: We made a small typo at the 11 minutes 51 seconds mark. We meant to say "1886" not "1866". The Westinghouse Electric Company was founded in 1886, not in 1866. Apologies for the typo! #Westinghouse #AmericanTitan #History