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Failure might delay your dreams, but fear will kill them. Because fear leads to inaction.
So in today’s video, you’ll learn 7 tricks to help silence that voice in your head that fears rejection.
That way you can go into any conversation with confidence, knowing you’ll feel completely unphased even if you do get rejected
0:00 – Intro
0:23 – #1: You are not your first impression
1:05 – #2: Rejection is inevitable. Shame is optional
2:09 – #3: Life is a numbers game
2:45 – #4: Amp up your carrot/stick motivation
3:15 – #5: Rejections are good for you
5:24 – #6: See rejection as a sign that you aren’t a good match
5:49 – #7: Focus on becoming the type of person who has options
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