Random Joint Investigation Ep.2: Yatoi Hozo (雇ほぞ)/ Draw Pinned Spline Tenon (Japanese Joinery)

From Dorian Bracht.

In this series I go in depth into random joints I find interesting or catch my attention. Full disclosure on uses, background, construction and more.

Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/dorianbracht

German website: http://www.tischlereibracht.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/dorianbracht


6 Piece Damascus Hybrid Chisels, Blue Steel // Damaszener Hybrid-Stemmeisen-Satz, 6-teilig: http://bit.ly/31SMzr9 *

Starrett Combination Square, 4-Piece Set, Satinated Surface // Starrett Kombiwinkel, 4-teilig, satinierte Oberfläche: http://bit.ly/2HiUKU7 *

Japanese Marking Gauge, Dual Cutters, Screw Clamping // Japanisches Streichmaß, 2 Messer, Schraubklemmung: http://bit.ly/2uM4eor *

Or if you want to browse the store: https://bit.ly/3vgOI0O *

Eastridge Turnstile by The Loyalist | https://soundcloud.com/the_loyalist_official
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Lakey inspired – Saturdays (http://www.soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired)

Wingz: https://freesound.org/s/22845/

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