The Gloves Are Off!

From Grand Illusions.

Visit The Amazing Clearance Sale at Tim’s Toy Shop

Tim’s tiny gloves… but they pack a real punch! And from the same shop, Tim bought some tiny socks, almost baby size, but these also expand to fit adult feet. These could be very handy when packing for your holidays – maybe you could get away with a smaller suitcase!

An animated badge

A box of matches? No, a panoramic scene inside showing London.

A crystal cube that comes apart and you can create a crystal tower.

Specially made for Tim from felt, a strip of red fabric with the word WANT on it, in black felt. As Tim says, he now has a ‘long felt want’.

‘For Someone Who Has Everything’ it says on the next item, a small red box. Inside you find a badge that says ‘I’ve Got Everything’.

A five second wonder – a barbed wire bracelet that you can slip on to release your inner punk. It is actually plastic, so no danger.

A tiny replica of a canoe, which acts as a rattleback. Careful – I’m starting to feel a bit seasick!

A comb that is made up of a series of different coloured segments, which can be rearranged in various ways. A customisable comb!

Finally, what looks like a ballpoint pen. It says Beechams on the side, which was a British pharmaceutical company, before it merged with another company. But inside you find – a thermometer! Tim checks, and luckily his temperature is… normal!