Tim Does String Theory

From Grand Illusions.

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Tim explores different yo yo mechanisms, mechanisms that involve an item on a string!

First up, a balloon that climbs UP the string when you pull the top and bottom of the string in opposite directions. The mechanism involves 2 pulleys inside the toy, one large than the other. This toy came from Schylling, Inc. in North Andover, MA, USA.

The same mechanism is shown in a Japanese toy in the shape of a little cloud. As it rises up and down the string, it’s little wings flap as well!

The second mechanism allows a toy to descend down a string, and you are able to stop it at any point by increasing the tension on the string. However this design does not go back up the string. We see a well known cartoon character sliding down the string with a large blue balloon. There is an extra trick, which if you adjust it means that other people will not be able to make it work when you hand it to them.

The third mechanism – sometimes known as the stick and slip mechanism – involves you just holding the string taut, while the toy descends.

First up is a colourful parrot from South America, that flutters elegantly down the string.

Then, from a German company, a toy that has three wooden rings that flutter down the string, with the aim being to get as many of the rings over the little rod at the bottom. Tim manages 1 out of 3!

Finally, a ‘flutter chime’ that Tim bought in Japan many years ago. This has a weight at the bottom, so you only need to hold the top of the string, which allows the metal rods to ‘flutter’ down the string, making little chiming sounds every time they come into contact with another chime. Very musical!