Tim Has His Finger On The Pulse

From Grand Illusions.

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Tim explores a range of ‘finger toys’ from his collection.

He got the slightly surreal ‘finger cluster’ in the USA some 20 or more years ago. Slightly disturbing we think!

A plastic finger that is also a pen. In addition, it has batteries inside, and when you press a button, it makes various weird and slightly disgusting sounds.

A fake ‘finger whistling toy’ – a children’s toy…
A plastic finger that cuts the hairs in your nose…
And a finger that allows you to pull it so that the bone appears… As Tim says, it is a bit gruesome!

A ballpoint pen that has a rubbery finger at the end. Again, slightly disgusting. At least there wouldn’t be many people who would want to borrow your pen!

Finally, a finger twister toy.

Tim then explains a curious fact about hairs on your fingers. Who knew…!