Why Haven’t We Cured Cancer?

From MinuteEarth.

To learn more about Florida International University’s research, visit https://FIU.edu

A person’s genes alone don’t tell us enough about how to most effectively treat their cancer.

To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
– Precision Medicine: A medical model that tailors specific drugs to specific patients based on genetic profiling.
– Functional Precision Medicine: A medical model that involves directly treating live tumor cells with drugs to gain information about a patient’s tumor.
– HER2-positive cancer: A type of cancer caused by a specific excess growth factor protein that has been shown to be treatable by specific medications.

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David Goldenberg | Script Writer, Narrator and Director
Arcadi Garcia i Rius | Storyboard Artist
Sarah Berman | Illustration, Video Editing and Animation
Nathaniel Schroeder | Music

MinuteEarth is produced by Neptune Studios LLC

Lizah van der Aart • Sarah Berman • Cameron Duke
Arcadi Garcia i Rius • David Goldenberg • Melissa Hayes
Alex Reich • Henry Reich • Peter Reich
Ever Salazar • Leonardo Souza • Kate Yoshida

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Acanda De La Rocha, A.M., Berlow, N.E., Fader, M. et al. Feasibility of functional precision medicine for guiding treatment of relapsed or refractory pediatric cancers. Nat Med 30, 990–1000 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-024-02848-4

Acanda De La Rocha, Arlet. (2024) Personal communication. Researcher at The Azzam Lab at FIU. https://stempel.fiu.edu/research/labs/cancer-research/

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Tomasik, B., Garbicz, F., Braun, M., Bieńkowski, M., & Jassem, J. (2024). Heterogeneity in precision oncology. Cambridge Prisms: Precision Medicine, 2, e2. https://doi.org/10.1017/pcm.2023.23

Szabo, L. (2018). Are We Being Misled About Precision Medicine? New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/11/opinion/cancer-genetic-testing-precision-medicine.html

Kornauth, C., et al. (2022). Functional Precision Medicine Provides Clinical Benefit in Advanced Aggressive Hematologic Cancers and Identifies Exceptional Responders. Cancer discovery, 12(2), 372–387. https://doi.org/10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0538

Malani, D., et al (2022). Implementing a Functional Precision Medicine Tumor Board for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cancer discovery, 12(2), 388–401. https://doi.org/10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0410