The mystery of 0.8660254037844386467637231707529361834714026269051903140279034897…

From Standup Mathematician. Support "Doing Things the Hard Way Matt" on patreon: Full video of Doing Things the Hard Way Matt doing things the hard way is on Patreon: OEIS sequence A010527 "Decimal expansion of sqrt(3)/2" Do support the OEIS! And here are a bunch of the digits: 0.8660254037844386467637231707529361834714026269051903140279034897 Wikipedia page…

These carnivorous plants won the evolutionary jackpot

From Science Magazine. Carnivorous plants have evolved all kinds of traps and tricks to capture their prey, from the snapping jaws of Venus flytraps to the slippery walls of pitcher plants. Although we often think of evolution as a process driven by strong selective pressure and big payoffs, researchers recently found that doesn’t always have…

What *is* a photon?

From Looking Glass Universe. This video was supported by Screen Australia and Google through the Skip Ahead initiative. Animations by the extremely talented Kathy Sarpi: Link to the full series: Links to other photoelectric effect videos: This one has a very simple at home set up: For this one you’d need to…