Coding the Cosmos: Does Reality Emerge From Simple Computations?

From World Science Festival.

Stephen Wolfram joins Brian Greene to explore whether the ultimate theory of the universe might emerge from a computationally simple framework.

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

Stephen Wolfram

Brian Greene

WSF Landing Page Link:

00:00 – Brian Greene Introduction
03:55 – Welcome Stephen Wolfram
07:59 – How powerful are Wolfram’s tools?
13:30 – What is it like to be the weather?
19:32 – Computationally bounded observers like us
29:24 – Are all possible mathematical outcome out there somewhere?
33:15 – Where is the Wolfram software at today?
50:30 – Heisenberg, Bohr, and Einstein thought space was discreet
01:00:25 – When we look back at Einstein’s field equations it become obvious
01:13:41 – Is the an early primordial node in the Ruliad?
01:22:24 – Is the universe only three dimensional for observer like us?
01:29:45 – How big is the elementary length?
01:39:50 – What happens to black holes in the model?
01:46:43 – Is it Everett’s and the many worlds approach to Quantum Mechanics?
01:56:08 – How do you think about GD6 in the multi way graph?
02:04:22 – How does time dilation work in Wolfram’s models?
02:10:49 – What is the ultimate goal?
02:22:00 – The bridge to string theory

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