Can AI Read Your Mind?

From World Science Festival. By identifying patterns in neural firings, non-invasive AI systems are learning to decode human thought and translate the result into language. Leading researchers Michael Blumenstein and Jerry Tang join Brian Greene to describe the latest achievements of such "mind reading technologies" and where this research may shortly take us. Participants: Michael…

What Creates Consciousness?

From World Science Festival. Renowned researchers David Chalmers and Anil Seth join Brian Greene to explore how far science and philosophy have gone toward explaining the greatest of all mysteries, consciousness–and whether artificially intelligent systems may one day possess it. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.…

Cosmology in Crisis? Confronting the Hubble Tension

From World Science Festival. How fast is the universe expanding? Two prominent approaches are finding different answers, propelling cosmology toward a crisis. Wendy Freedman, a renowned astronomer who has spent decades seeking the expansion rate, joins Brian Greene to discuss the latest thinking on this so-called Hubble Tension. This program is part of the Big…

Epic Expansion: The Case for Inflationary Cosmology

From World Science Festival. For decades, inflation has been the dominant cosmological scenario, but recently the theory has been subject to competition and critique. Two renowned pioneers of inflation — Alan Guth and Andrei Linde — join Brian Greene to make their strongest case for the inflationary theory. This program is part of the Big…

Is Dark Energy Decaying?

From World Science Festival. Brian Greene and Michael Levi discuss revolutionary observations that may upend our cosmological understanding. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participants: Micheal Levi Moderator: Brian Greene WSF Landing Page: – SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel and "ring the bell" for all…

Is Quantum Reality in the Eye of the Beholder?

From World Science Festival. Can we address mysteries of quantum mechanics by supposing that properties of objects long considered to have an independent existence are actually determined solely in relation to other objects or observers? This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participants: Carlo Rovelli Moderator: Brian…

Does Quantum Mechanics Imply Multiple Universes?

From World Science Festival. Dive into the deepest quantum mystery: how do we transition from a haze of possibilities to the concrete reality we experience? Does the answer require a profusion of universes, each shaped by different quantum outcomes? This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participants:…

Can Particles be Quantum Entangled Across Time?

From World Science Festival. Einstein’s "spooky action’ describes quantum particles entangled across space, but can such spookiness entangle particles across time? A conversation spanning the origins of quantum mechanics through its leading-edge implications for spacetime itself. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participants: Elise Crull Moderator:…

Why a Forefather of AI Fears the Future

From World Science Festival. A renowned AI pioneer explores humanity’s possible futures in a world populated with ever more sophisticated mechanical minds. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participants: Yoshua Bengio Moderator: Brian Greene WSF Landing Page: – SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel and "ring…

Carlo Rovelli and Brian Greene on Black Holes and White Holes

From World Science Festival. Progress in the last decade has established that black holes are real, but what about their time-reversed cousins, white holes? Renowned physicist and author Carlo Rovelli joins Brian Greene to explore insights into these speculative astrophysical chimera. This program is included in a 3-part series that explores the wondrous implications of…

Beyond Einstein: Gravitational Echoes

From World Science Festival. Gravitational Echoes: Just as sound waves can echo off a distant rockface, light waves can echo off of black holes. Renowned researchers Erin Kara and Shep Doeleman join Brian Greene to explore the exotic physics that rules all that happens near the edge of a black hole. BEYOND EINSTEIN is a…

Beyond Einstein: Gravitational Rainbows

From World Science Festival. BEYOND EINSTEIN is a 3-part series exploring the wondrous implications of gravity pushed to the extreme, tackling dark energy, black holes and white holes. Renowned researchers join Brian Greene to discuss a range of insights–from confirmed to highly speculative–that extend Einstein’s vision of reality and advance our understanding of fundamental physical…

Intelligent Thinking About Artificial Intelligence

From World Science Festival. Renowned computer scientist and virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier joins Brian Greene to explore revolutionary proposals for understanding, leveraging, and safeguarding AI. The Big Ideas Series is supported in part by the John Templeton Foundation. Participant: Jaron Lanier Moderator: Brian Greene 00:00 – Jaron Lanier Introduction 05:50 – The beginning of…

Unifying Nature’s Laws: The State of String Theory

From World Science Festival. Einstein dreamed of a unified theory of nature’s laws. String theory has long promised to deliver it: a mathematically elegant description that some have called a “theory of everything.” Join one of the most influential groups of theorists ever assembled on a single stage to evaluate the current state of this…

Searching For Cosmic Origins

From World Science Festival. The powerful blending of theory and observation has catapulted cosmology from campfire storytelling to precision science. Brian Greene is joined by Jo Dunkley, Eva Silverstein and Nobel Laureate Adam Riess – scientists at the forefront of fundamental physics and astronomy who are pushing that understanding ever closer to the beginning of…

Coding the Cosmos: Does Reality Emerge From Simple Computations?

From World Science Festival. Stephen Wolfram joins Brian Greene to explore whether the ultimate theory of the universe might emerge from a computationally simple framework. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participant: Stephen Wolfram Moderator: Brian Greene WSF Landing Page Link: 00:00 – Brian Greene…

AI: Grappling with a New Kind of Intelligence

From World Science Festival. A novel intelligence has roared into the mainstream, sparking euphoric excitement as well as abject fear. Explore the landscape of possible futures in a brave new world of thinking machines, with the very leaders at the vanguard of artificial intelligence. The Big Ideas Series is supported in part by the John…