Is Quantum Reality in the Eye of the Beholder?

From World Science Festival.

Can we address mysteries of quantum mechanics by supposing that properties of objects long considered to have an independent existence are actually determined solely in relation to other objects or observers?

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

Carlo Rovelli

Brian Greene

00:00 – Introduction
03:06 – Beginning of the Main discussion
03:50 – How does Carlo Rovelli view the Quantum Measurement problem and Many Worlds theory?
12:47 – Relational quantum mechanics
17:27 – Does this approach apply to relativistic quantum mechanics
24:01 – What is needed to fully understand Quantum Mechanics?
28:30 – Summary

Part 1 | Can Particles be Quantum Entangled Across Time? –

Part 2 | Does Quantum Mechanics Imply Multiple Universes? –

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