SkyshowTV, Unseen Launch Footage from NASA, SpaceX, Virgin Galatic and more

From Curious Droid.

In May 2023 I shared a video of NASA engineering film footage from the Artemis 1 launch. Now the guys who filmed part of that launch footage got in contact to let me know that through that video they were excited to see that a lot of people wanted to see this type of footage.

So to that end, they have set up their own website and YouTube channel where they will be sharing new and unseen space launches and other related high-quality footage going forward from NASA, SpaceX and others with the general public and this is my little video to help publicise this.

I am not being sponsored by them, I’m doing this because I think this is a great idea and that anyone interested in space should know that this resource will be available.

Their website is
Youtube channel Skyshowtv –

NASA Artemis 1 footage
SpaceX Starship footage
Virgin Galatic footage

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