Zoom Climbs – The Highest Life and Death Jet Flights to the Edge of Space.

From Curious Droid. 🔒Remove your personal information from the web at https://JoinDeleteMe.com/DROID and use code DROID for 20% off 🙌 DeleteMe international Plans: https://international.joindeleteme.com Zoom climbs to the edge of space set the highest altitude records for jet aircraft taking off under their own power. Initially used as a method for the newly developed jet…

What Would Happen if you fell into a Black Hole?

From Curious Droid. Imagine that your on a science mission to study black holes when through no fault of their own, one of the crew ends up outside the ship and being pulled towards the blackhole. With no prospect of rescue how long would our astronaut survive once over the event horizon and what would…