Behold the Folded Circle Snack Discovery

From Vihart. Naan. Pita. Tortilla. Crepe. These are just some of the foldable circle snacks you can find here on the wondrous planet Earth. But how far does it go? Join us this Pi Day as we explore whether aliens would think Earth is cooler if we stopped sending digits of pi into space This…

Lessons From the 1964 Republican Convention: Declaring War on the Establishment | Retro Report

From RETRO REPORT. Donald Trump ran as an outsider intent on upending the establishment the Republican establishment. Similarly, at the 1964 Republican Convention Barry Goldwater challenged traditional Republicans. Lesson plan for educators Sign up for a free Retro Report in the Classroom newsletter to receive free teacher resources: Browse through dozens more lesson…

The biggest hand calculation in a century! [Pi Day 2024]

From Standup Mathematician. Please note down the new value of pi: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223176 If you’d like to sign up to hear about future ridiculous maths projects that require volunteers: Play list of all my previous calculating pi day videos: This calculation was paid-for with surplus funding from a previous Stand-up Maths kick-starter. If you’d…

The Apple Car – A $10 Billion Failure

From ColdFusion. Go to for 60% off! With $10 billion spent, Apple’s secretive car project has been cancelled, but what went wrong, and why did they want to make a car? In this episode we find out the confusion and chaos behind the scenes. Sources: ColdFusion Podcast: @ThroughTheWeb ColdFusion Music: @ColdFusionmusic Get…