you should hate cilantro

From Reactions. Chemically speaking, you should hate the taste of cilantro. So those of you who have the superior genes that makes cilantro tastes like soap, here are your bragging rights. #cilantro #aldehydes #stinkbug #shorts

This Video is About Electroadhesion.

From Reactions. How would you stick a slice of banana to a sheet of copper? Until a few months ago, you couldn’t. But a new discovery called “hard-soft electroadhesion” enables chemists to stick almost any hydrogel to almost any metal, using nothing but an electric current. Join George as he tries to replicate electroadhesion in…

Chirality is Just Turtles All the Way Down

From Reactions. L-DOPA is the best drug we have for Parkinson’s disease. If you take L-DOPA and reflect it in a mirror, you get a different molecule: D-DOPA, which does absolutely nothing for Parkinson’s and causes potentially deadly side effects. Making just L-DOPA without D-DOPA is surprisingly hard – so hard that the person who…

flame speed test

From Reactions. It’s not lighting stuff on fire in a basement, it’s taking detailed scientific measurements. Check out our video about ammonia engines for a deeper look into all of this. #combustion #engine #chemistry

This (Edible) Mushroom Could Kill You

From Reactions. Morels are one of the most commonly eaten wild mushrooms. So how did two people die from eating them at a single restaurant in Bozeman, Montana? Alex & George team up to take a deeper look into mushroom chemistry, identification, and cultivation to get a better understanding of this mystery. #mushrooms #poison #chemistry…

why airplane tires explode

From Reactions. We’re talking gases today. Yup certain gases that have been used in airplane tires cause them to explode. Here’s what is used in airplane tires to help them stay intact. #airplane #gases #nitrogen

Science Doesn’t Understand How Ice Forms

From Reactions. What starts off as a simple desire to get a macro shot of a droplet of water freezing quickly leads George to the very edge of scientific knowledge and a shocking fact about most of the water on Earth. *Note: in the droplets I’m freezing, all the dendrites would have likely come from…

Is There a Quick Fix for Ocean Acidification?

From Reactions. Space Time—How Eclipses Revealed Our Solar System PBS Digital Studios Earth Month Playlist The ocean is getting more and more acidic. Can we solve it by emptying a giant bottle of antacid into the ocean? No… but the idea of lowering the ocean’s acidity in order to decrease global carbon dioxide levels isn’t…

I Reinvented a 300-Year Old Drink

From Reactions. Why would you make a cocktail with ~curdled~ milk? Join George as he answers this question by accidentally making the best cocktail he’s ever tasted, thus achieving lasting Internet fame.* *We need your help with this last step. Correction: 4:03 I’m showing the phosphate groups getting protonated by the acid, but in reality…