Could Netflix Fix Science?

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. Researchers spend much of their time writing grant applications, which adds up to a lot of wasted resources. Is there a better way to fund science? Special thanks to Profs. Kevin Gross and Carl T. Bergstrom. Their paper "Contest models highlight inherent inefficiencies of scientific funding competitions"

A Billion Years of Moon Impacts Illuminates Earth’s History

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. A study just published reveals the moon experienced a dramatic increase in cratering rates about 300 million years ago. This corroborates evidence of a similar increase in Earth impacts. The paper is: The Earth and Moon impact flux increased at the end of the Paleozoic Sara Mazrouei, Rebecca R. Ghent,…

Anti Social Media

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. The main reason I don’t like social media. What do you think? Do you agree with me or not? I noticed a few years ago that on Facebook I was doing complicated calculations like: Do I actually like this post? Yes/No Do I want the person to know I like…

How to Film in the Ultraviolet

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. Filming in UV requires removing a filter, getting UV-transparent lenses and getting a good filter to block all other light. I got my hot mirror removed here: That is an affiliate link so by ordering through the link, LifePixel will give a commission back to me. If you don’t…

How Earth Creates Its Magnetic Field

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. How turbulent convection currents in Earth’s outer core make its magnetic field This video is a prequel to one that will appear here: Huge thank you to Prof. Jon Aurnou who spent a lot of time explaining how planetary magnetic fields are created. He changed a lot of my…

Will Robots Take Our Jobs?

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. In short, yes they will, continuing the trend of humans working less. This video was sponsored by "Robot-Proof" written by Northeastern University’s President, Joseph E. Aoun. Learn more here: When I think about robots taking our jobs, I am neither of the opinion that we need to panic amidst…

Why YouTube Used to Prefer Quality

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. Almost four years ago I made a video about quality vs quantity on YouTube. Reflecting on how the platform is working in 2017 I find that quantity (frequency) has become significantly more important and quality less so. I’m not saying this is my recommendation for how people should make channels,…

How Should We Teach Science?

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. Reflecting on the implications for education of Gunn and Drew. Original video: Did you notice that Gunn and Drew were named that way so they rhyme with one and two, helping reduce any sort of confusion you might have in associating each character with the right system. Thinking Fast…

6-Letter DNA!

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. Scientists have created living bacteria with two extra letters of genetic code, nicknamed X, and Y for short. Help me make Sciencium: For more info: Animated by Kyle Norby Life has been evolving on earth for about 3.7 billion years. In spite of its diversity, all living things…

Why is the Sun Slowing Down?

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. The outer layer of the sun is slowing down, something we’ve known for decades but haven’t been able to figure out until now. Supported by Google Making & Science: References: A Poynting-Robertson-like drag at the Sun’s surface Ian Cunnyngham, Marcelo Emilio, Jeff Kuhn, Isabelle Scholl, Rock Bush–Robertson_effect…

Does Hot Water Freeze Faster Than Cold Water?

From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. Observations over millenia and numerous experiments claim that warmer water freezes faster than cold water under identical conditions. Supported by Google Making & Science #ScienceGoals References: Mpemba Effect: Questioning the Mpemba Effect: Royal Society of Chemistry competition: Edited by Trevor Carlee


From 1veritasium, 2veritasium, or sciencium. What have you been putting off? And what do you think helps videos connect? I feel like scripts and time delays inhibit connection and I want to address that. Veritasium on Patreon: