We Don’t Know Why Astronauts Get Motion Sick

From SciShow Space. A majority of modern astronauts experience any one of a suite of symptoms scientists collectively call Space Motion Sickness, or SMS. But despite knowing about it for nearly as long as humans have gone into space, we still don’t know exactly what causes it, or how to predict which astronauts might lose…

Dividing by zero on a water computer from 1940

From Atomic Frontier. 🌎 Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ➡️ https://nordvpn.com/atomicfrontier It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!☝️ I went to Cambridge to revive a water computer that once modelled the British Economy. ———- II ———- This video was brought to you by an unhealthy amount of coffee and our awesome Patrons at https://www.patreon.com/atomicfrontier. 0:00…

The Biggest Star In The Universe Is Too Small

From SciShow Space. R136a1 is the most massive star that astronomers have ever discovered. It’s so massive you might think the laws of physics wouldn’t allow it. But it turns out that its current mass estimate is actually so low that it threatens our understanding of how the universe got to be where it is,…

Are You There Fox News? It’s Me, Human Composting

From Ask A Mortician. Folks, no one is throwing grandma in the backyard compost pile! Support the legalization of human composting through The Order of the Good Death: Ways to Donate Support the production of these videos through the Ask a Mortician Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thegooddeath Full radio episodes used in this video- Hannity Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/joe-concha-november-5th-hour-3/id1112194905?i=1000540941565 Beck…

Identify chemicals with radio frequencies – Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (MRI without magnets)

From Applied Science. How to build and test an NQR spectrometer, which is similar to MRI, but uses no magnets. NQR frequencies are unique among all tested compounds, so detecting a resonance indicates a near certainty that a specific chemical is present. Tektronix 2-series oscilloscope: https://www.tek.com/en/products/oscilloscopes/2-series-mso Video capture was done via VNC client Zeeman effect…

Liquefying nails is crazy

From NileRed Shorts. This is just a bunch of regular nails and I really want to try and liquefy them. Normally this would be pretty difficult, but I bought this little induction heater on eBay, which should be able to do it. ——————————————————————————- Merch – https://nilered.tv/store ——————————————————————————- ■ NileRed: https://www.youtube.com/c/nilered Nile talks about lab safety…

JWST: Looking Beyond The Pretty Pictures

From SciShow Space. The James Webb Space Telescope isn’t just for finding Pinterest worthy pictures, we’re finding some amazing details in the sometimes blurry background photos. Hosted by: Savannah Geary (they/them) ———- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporter for helping us keep SciShow Space free for everyone forever: Jason A Saslow, David Brooks,…

Is Our Solar System Missing Moons?

From SciShow Space. You might be pretty confident that when a moon is there it’s there to stay, but that’s not always the case. Moons may have a history of disappearing. Hosted by: Savannah Geary (they/them) Correction: 05:19 Well, this is half right. The moons don’t actually orbit the same distance from Mars and orbit…

Eavesdropping On Other Worlds

From SciShow Space. We usually only get to use our sense of sight in exploring the universe, but that hasn’t prevented scientists from trying to listen in. Hosted by: Hank Green (he/him) ———- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporter for helping us keep SciShow Space free for everyone forever: Jason A Saslow, David…

NGC 2 – Measuring the Distance to Galaxies – Deep Sky Videos

From DeepSkyVideos. Professor Mike Merrifield discusses methods for measuring the distance to NGC 2. Includes the Tully-Fisher method. More links and info in full description ↓↓↓ More Mike Merrifield: http://bit.ly/Merrifield_Playlist Professor Merrifield on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AstroMikeMerri A New Method of Determining Distances to Galaxies: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1975BAAS….7..426T/abstract Our thanks to Professor Tully for the picture of him with…

Watching MY GIRL with Ask a Mortician

From Ask A Mortician. They don’t make ‘em like they used to [CUE GUT-WRENCHING ‘90S NOSTALGIA SCORE]. PATRONS GET EXCLUSIVE *BONUS CONTENT* LIKE WATCHING MY GIRL 2 http://www.patreon.com/thegooddeath ***CAITLIN CONTENT*** Books: http://caitlindoughty.com/books MORTAL course: https://www.mortalcourse.com/ Our podcast on iTunes: https://apple.co/2yK6c6G Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2QZEVEM The Order of the Good Death – articles, resources, and more: http://www.orderofthegooddeath.com/ ***WHERE…

What’s Going to Space in 2023?

From SciShow Space. 2022 was a pretty exciting year for space science, but what news might we expect in the coming year? Hosted by: Savannah Geary (they/them) ———- Huge thanks go to the following Patreon supporter for helping us keep SciShow Space free for everyone forever: Jason A Saslow, David Brooks, and AndyGneiss! Support SciShow…