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From “Minute Physics”. (
Minute Physics
From “Minute Physics”. (
From “Minute Physics”. (
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Watch Decoding the Universe: Quantum – Watch the first part of this two-part series! Decoding the Universe: Cosmos – Support MinutePhysics on Patreon! Link to Patreon Supporters: MinutePhysics is on twitter – @minutephysics And facebook – Minute Physics provides an energetic and…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Support MinutePhysics on Patreon! Link to Patreon Supporters: MinutePhysics is on twitter – @minutephysics And facebook – Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics — all in a minute! Created by Henry Reich
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Go to to try Brilliant for 30 days for FREE, and to get 20% off an annual premium subscription to Brilliant. We think of the moon as orbiting the earth, following a spiraling trajectory as the earth itself orbits the sun. But this is wrong. Not…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Go to to try everything Brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days, and also get 20% off your annual premium subscription! Pressure *can* melt ice – like, you only need 500 times atmospheric pressure to melt ice down to negative four degrees…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Go to to try everything Brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days, and also get 20% off your annual premium subscription! If you take a piece of white paper into different lighting conditions, it will be an objectively different color in each…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Check out the interactive lab here: Solar eclipses don’t just happen here on earth – moons of other planets also pass between those planets and the sun, resulting in various types of solar eclipses on Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and even non-planets like Pluto, Eris…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) The sun rises in the east, the moon rises in the east, and the stars rise in the east… but solar eclipses, oddly, come from the west. If total eclipses are caused by the sun and the moon, why don’t they behave like the sun and the…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) The moon orbits the earth once per month, which means the moon is on the sun side of the earth every month. So… "why aren’t there eclipses every month?" is a question we will answer in this video! This Product is supported by the NASA Heliophysics Education…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Want to donate to the highest-impact charities AND get your donation matched up to $100? Visit If you’re in scorching heat, or when your body is working hard and you’ve got hot, hot sweat all over, sticky and stifling – does wiping off the sweat help…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) This Product is supported by the NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team (NASA HEAT), part of NASA’s Science Activation portfolio. The material contained in this document is based upon work supported by a National Aeronautics And Space Administration (NASA) grant or cooperative agreement. Any questions, findings, conclusions or…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Sign up for Brilliant (for free) and get 30 days of full access to all of their courses, go to – The first 200 people get 20% off a premium subscription! A lot of people took pictures of the recent solar eclipse in North America and…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) The first video we created together with our friends at xkcd is out now! You can find it here:
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) To try everything Brilliant has to offer—free—for a full 30 days, visit The first 200 people get 20% off a premium subscription! I was sent a magnetic guitar pick to review, so I reviewed it. Does it work? How? Why? What’s the physics of electric guitar…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Go to to have your first donation matched up to $100! This video is about the physics of geosynchronous and geostationary orbits, why they exist, when they don’t, when they’re useful for communication/satellite TV, etc. REFERENCES Fraction of a sphere that’s visible from a given distance…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) The first 200 people to get 20% off an annual premium subscription to Brilliant. Thanks to Brilliant for their support. This video is about a better way to understand Penrose tilings (the famous tilings invented by Roger Penrose that never repeat themselves but still have some…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) The first 200 people to get 20% off an annual premium subscription to Brilliant. Thanks to Brilliant for their support. REFERENCES Page with TONS of info about water and ice Specifically, a graph showing density & temperature & pressure along the phase line!!!!! Water…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Where to buy WHAT IF? 2 by Randall Munroe – Amazon: Barnes and Noble: Penguin Random House: Books-A-Million: Bookshop: IndieBound: Apple Books: FOR INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS, Including the UK and Germany, click here: The #1 New York Times bestselling author…
From “Minute Physics”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Nebula Classes – Great classes by your favorite creators on a creator-owned streaming service: This video is about what happens if you try to pass a portal (like in the video game Portal or Portal 2) through itself – do you get a paradox? Infinite recursion?…