I Have Crohn’s Disease

From Kurtis Baute. I’m back! Sorry to disappear so unceremoniously like that. I have a bunch of unfinished video scripts from the last couple years that I’m excited to finally be picking back up, but I’m still moving/working slowly, so thanks in advance for your patience. Missed you folks! This video was already really long,…

We Built This Treehouse To Block an Oil Pipeline

From Kurtis Baute. Check out the podcast here now: https://www.cottonwoodtreehouse.com/ Or listen on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/show/6bIQ97m2XEscutoYQGdXoQ It is coming to iTunes and Stitcher, but may take another day to get there – please stay tuned. For ongoing updates as to whats happening with the treehouse, follow me at: twitter.com/kurtisbaute instagram.com/kbaute To get involved locally, you…

The Climate Leader Canada Needs (feat. Amita Kuttner)

From Kurtis Baute. Amita Kuttner has a PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics, and is running for leader of the Green Party of Canada. We sat down and talked about what strong climate leadership looks like, and about what a Just Transition means when it comes to climate action. For more info on Amita’s campaign, how…

Your Voice, and How to Use It (Day 6)

From Kurtis Baute. An article by my sister Nicole: https://medium.com/@nicolebaute/the-problem-with-worrying-about-climate-change-and-what-to-do-instead-153a9290f4f2 Check out Sarah Karver’s video (and show her channel some love!) Get your hands, eyes, or ears on the book ‘Youth to Power’ by Jamie Margolin: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52590772-youth-to-power To support this ongoing action against the TransMountain Pipeline Expansion, you can go to: https://brokepipelinewatch.ca/ Lastly, yes I…

My Message to the Oil and Gas Workers I’m Blocking (Day 5)

From Kurtis Baute. Support the protests against this pipeline at Broke: http://brokepipelinewatch.ca/ Check out Amita Kuttner’s campaign for Leader of the Green Party of Canada: https://amitakuttner.ca/ Climate action organizations, search for them in facebook along with your location: Extinction Rebellion School Strikes for Climate Fridays for Future The Sunrise Movement 350.org Thumbnail and drone footage…

Here’s Why I’m Blocking a Pipeline With My Body (Day 4)

From Kurtis Baute. Thanks for watching. As of this video coming out, I am still up in the tree. Follow me live at twitter.com/kurtisbaute Climate organizations near you to search for : Extinction Rebellion 350.org Sunrise Movement School Strikes 4 Climate Friday’s for Future Donate to ProtectTheInlet.ca to help fight against this pipeline. Apologies: It’s…

I Dropped My Phone While Living 20m Up a Tree (Day 2)

From Kurtis Baute. If you want a phone case that will protect your phone and the planet, get 20% off of a fully compostable Pela phone case using the offer code KurtisInATree at pelacase.com 100% of the funds I raise from referrals will go directly to supporting Protect The Inlet. You can also support their…

My Carbon Footprint is Broken

From Kurtis Baute. Instead of going and calculating your carbon footprint, go figure out which candidate in your upcoming election you should vote for who will take serious action on climate, then find a local climate activism organization and join the movement (links below). After that, follow some more YouTube channels about the climate crisis…

Living with Climate Grief (ft. @ClimateAdam)

From Kurtis Baute. Huge thanks to Climate Adam for making this video with me. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClimateAdam Go see the collab we did together here: If you’re thinking of harming yourself, please, PLEASE, call someone: http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html To help you find "Personal Resilience & Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate" I’d recommend this website:…