What If You Just Keep Digging?

From Cleo Abram. I have a question… what if I just dug a really deep hole? That’s what the USSR did in 1970. This hole is 7.6 miles or 12.2 kilometers deep, making it deeper than the deepest part of the ocean and deeper than Mt. Everest is tall. It was part of a race…

New Extreme Map of the Moon

From Cleo Abram. This brand new map of the moon is the most detailed ever made. Here’s why this map is so astonishing and why it matters for countries – like the US, India, China, and Japan – going to the moon… If you like optimistic tech stories, subscribe for more! #shorts #science #space #photography

What’s This Robot Doing In Grain Bins?

From Cleo Abram. This adorable robot is inside a grain bin! And it’s helping save farmers’ lives. Here’s how this works… After grain on a farm is harvested – think barley, corn, wheat – it gets stored in HUGE grain bins. When the grain is ready to be shipped off the farm, it gets pulled…

How Does Hearing Work?

From Cleo Abram. Here’s how your ears actually work. Really, you are hearing electrical signals made from ripples in liquid made from bones vibrating made from pressure waves… !!!! Clever technology can help this process for people: Most hearing aids work by amplifying those waves right before they enter your ear. Some newer ones use…

Sex Ed Didn’t Teach You This

From Cleo Abram. Your sex ed class skipped a lot of important stuff. You might’ve learned women are born with all the eggs they’re ever going to have – roughly 1 MILLION. But around 10,000 die every month during childhood, so most of us reach puberty with roughly ~300,000 eggs. Then each month, we release…

This Is A Real Life Jetpack Race!

From Cleo Abram. This is the first ever jetpack race! Technically they call them jet suits now. Here’s how it works… These suits are definitely not meant to be a practical mode of transportation But they are making every little kid’s jetpack dreams a reality! If you like optimistic science and tech stories, subscribe for…

Why Do Humans Smash Particles In This Big Tunnel?

From Cleo Abram. At the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, thousands of scientists are spending billions of dollars to smash protons together in a big underground tunnel. But… WHY? When protons collide, we get a glimpse at what might have happened close to the start of our universe. That’s because these collisions release an enormous…

What’s The Smallest You Can See?

From Cleo Abram. How small can you see? And how does tech help us see as small as individual atoms? The smallest YOU can see with your eyes is roughly ten thousand times smaller than a meter. Things much smaller than that don’t reflect enough light for our eyes to register. So, people invented the…

How Small Is A Proton, Really?

From Cleo Abram. You already know that atoms and the particles inside them are tiny. But they are SO MUCH SMALLER than most people think… Look at a single strand of your hair. Now imagine that hair is as big across as the entire EARTH is wide. The size of a single cell inside your…

Can We Bring Back Woolly Mammoths?

From Cleo Abram. Scientists just got one step closer to bringing back the extinct Woolly Mammoth! We’re still pretty far away from that… but this is still a big deal. Here’s what’s going on. If you like optimistic science and tech stories, subscribe for more Huge If True! And if you want to learn even…

Why Do People Freeze Eggs?

From Cleo Abram. I just had a surgery where they removed eggs from my body. You know, the kind that can meet up with sperm to make a baby. How and when people are having kids is changing, but our bodies aren’t. As we get older, it can get harder to have kids when we…

Why Don’t We Have Cryosleep Yet?

From Cleo Abram. Why don’t we have cryosleep yet? You know, freezing people and waking them up later. Turns out, the problem is WATER. Our bodies are filled with water. But when water freezes, it expands and forms sharp crystals. If we froze you right now, those ice crystals would shred ya to bits from…

What Do The New F1 Cars Sound Like? THIS.

From Cleo Abram. There’s a big controversy about how Formula 1 cars SOUND. In 2026, that sound will change again – and I got a sneak peak of Red Bull’s new engine… If you want to see more and learn how they make F1 cars, go check out our video featuring Red Bull drivers Max…

What Would Happen To Your Body In Space?

From Cleo Abram. I have a question: If I snapped my fingers and was immediately in space…what would happen? Most sci-fi gets this wrong. So… uh… spacesuits are REALLY IMPORTANT. And if you want to see how NASA’s new space suit protects astronauts from space, go check out our longer video. If you like optimistic…

How Do They Make Particles Hit Each Other?

From Cleo Abram. On the border between France and Switzerland is the biggest science experiment ever built. It’s a tunnel, over 100 meters underground and 27 kilometers long. Inside that tunnel, scientists put a long blue tube… and inside that tube, they put two pipes that they keep colder and emptier than outer space… and…

AI vs Doctors Competition (RESULTS)

From Cleo Abram. Researchers just tested a bunch of AI models against a bunch of doctors. Here’s who won… There were 4 groups: Large language models, groups of expert eye doctors, eye doctors in training, and unspecialized junior doctors. Everyone had to answer 87 questions from a standard test that doctors in the UK need…

World’s First Pig Kidney Transplant

From Cleo Abram. For the first time ever, doctors just transplanted a gene-edited pig kidney into a human patient! Here’s what happened, and why it’s such a big step forward for organ transplants… If you like optimistic science and tech stories, follow for more of our show Huge If True. #shorts #tech #science #medicine #animation

What Happened to Voyager 1?

From Cleo Abram. NASA just regained contact with humanity’s most distant spacecraft! Here’s why they LOST contact and the clever way they fixed it. This probe, Voyager 1, is 46 years old and over 15 billion miles away. But starting last November, it started sending repeated gibberish… This isn’t the first time scientists have run…

This Space Junk Hit Someone’s Home

From Cleo Abram. This piece of space junk just flew into somebody’s home in Florida… and it came from the International Space Station! This is INCREDIBLY rare and unlikely. But the accumulation of junk orbiting the planet is a real problem. Not because it is likely to fall down, but because it could hit important…

The Real Reason You Saw These Lights

From Cleo Abram. The reason you’re seeing pictures of colorful lights in the sky right now is because our planet just went through the biggest solar storm in more than 20 years! Here’s what’s going on. The sun often spews out super hot gas filled with charged particles. Luckily, Earth’s magnetic field protects us from…

Huge News About AlphaFold

From Cleo Abram. This paper is a HUGE new announcement about AlphaFold, the tool being used to solve what has been called one of the most important issues in modern science. Our team at HUGE* got to read this paper before it just got released, so let me explain what AlphaFold does and why this…

The Coolest Dress At The Met Gala

From Cleo Abram. It’s Met Gala time and if you like tech, we gotta talk about Zendaya’s dress from 2019, because how they made it is SO COOL… LEDs aren’t new, but we’re still finding new ways to use them, like helping us reaching our energy goals, creating UV LEDs that kill bacteria, making possible…

Your Engine vs F1 Car Engine

From Cleo Abram. Do you know how your car engine works? It’s awesome. Here’s how it compares to a Formula 1 car and how both are getting better…. If you want to know more about how Formula 1 teams push tech to the limit, go watch our longer episode featuring Max Verstappen! And if you…

Why Can’t Robots Check “I’m Not A Robot”?

From Cleo Abram. Why can’t a robot just click “I’m not a robot”? Turns out the answer is part of a bigger story about being human. The box test isn’t really about the box! It’s actually tracking other things about your behavior, like how you move your mouse as you go to check the box.…

This Robot Is Made Of Living Cells

From Cleo Abram. This is a robot made out of LIVING CELLS. It is an “animal robot” or “xenobot” that’s only 1 millimeter in size, but it can walk across a petri dish on its own. And the way researchers made it is wild… Robots made out of living cells are controversial, particularly when they…