I Tried the NEW Unreleased Fortnite Skins

From Brutal Stipes. thank you guys for stopping by and chillin Use BRUTALSTIPES in the item shop ⸸INZTAGRAM ⛧ https://www.instagram.com/brutalstipes/?hl=en ⛧PORTAL OF CTHULHU⛧ ⛧ Twitch ⸸ https://www.twitch.com/BrutalStipes ⛧SOUNDCLOUD⛧ TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@brutalstipeslive?_t=8k1fiV68HL5&_r=1 ⛧Twitter⛧ Tweets by BrutalStipes FACEBOOK⛧ ⛧https://m.facebook.com/people/Brutal-Stipes/100010920814599/ #Fortnite #gaming #videogames #FortniteTips #FortniteProTips #gamer #FortniteGameplay #FortniteStrategy #BattleRoyale #FortniteSkills #shorts #Youtubeshorts #viral #Midas #FortniteLeaks #FortniteBattleRoyale #FortniteContentUpdate #FortniteSeason6 #FortniteEvent…

DIY Landscape Lights

From HomeMadeModern. Go to https://ridge.com/homemade and get up to 30% off through April 1st. Thanks to Ridge for sponsoring this video. These DIY Landscape lights use an off the shelf solar powered light form Home Depot. I wanted sort of a sci fi look and I used white concrete formed with a lego and silicone…

What If You’re Boring?

From JT Chapman. We’re all constantly bombarded with movies, TV shows, and social media posts showing us just exciting life can be. People do amazing things, go amazing places, live life to the fullest…and then there’s you. What do you do if your life is boring? If you appreciate my work, support me on Patreon…