Does the Planck Length Break E=MC^2?

From PBS Space Time. On November 29th, 20% off the whole merch store! pbsspacetime Every good nerd knows that E=mc^2. Every great nerd knows that, really, E^2=m^2c^4+p^2c^2 Want to know what that even means? Sure, I’ll tell you, but today I’d like to invite you to an even higher level of nerdom with extra bits…

The End of England

From Ordinary Things. Go to to see through misleading media narratives and verify your information. Save 40% off unlimited access through my link. SUPPORT FUTURE DOCS: Check out my boy Sans Beanstalk here: PESTER ME ON TWITTER: CREDITS: Director, Writer, Editor, Presenter: Josh Otten Producer: Simon Cade Original Score: Ryan Probert…

How Scientists Cracked the Secret To Making Diamonds 💎

From It’s OK to be Smart. Take the PBS Digital Studios annual survey: Check out @ACSReactions here: ↓↓↓ More info and sources below ↓↓↓ For centuries, diamonds were one of the most mysterious materials on Earth. They were beautiful, indestructible, and completely unexplained. Today, we’re exploring how scientists unlocked their secrets, and how…

The Phenomena of New Stars – Objectivity 291

From Objectivity. We take another ‘lucky dip’ into the Royal Society card catalogue… More links below ↓↓↓ Hi-res images of the documents featured in this episode: Objectivity on Patreon: Check out our White Gloves of Destiny playlist (including some very special guests): This episode features Keith Moore from the Royal Society speaking…