f/0.38 camera lens made with oil immersion microscope objective

From Applied Science. I removed the protective glass from a CMOS image sensor, and used optical immersion oil to couple the bare image sensor to a 40X NA=1.3 microscope objective. f/0.7 Zeiss lens described in amazing detail: http://www.marcocavina.com/omaggio_a_kubrick.htm Fake f/0.33 Zeiss lens: https://petapixel.com/2013/08/06/carl-zeiss-super-q-gigantar-40mm-f0-33-the-fastest-lens-ever-made/ Camera and sensor that I used: https://www.ids-imaging.us/store_us/products/cameras/ui-5584le-rev-1-2.html https://www.onsemi.com/products/sensors/image-sensors/mt9p006?pdf= Conversion from f/# to…

Thanks, Shmed

From vlogbrothers. Secret Powers Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3K8edF8fKqReiNdOaSiD3E?si=86984242b8a54c2a Secret Powers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XswWjSaq_Io&list=PLMs_JcuNozJaebf8Ve5qeXV1L1gL_hnAf —- Subscribe to our newsletter! https://werehere.beehiiv.com/subscribe Learn more about our project to help Partners in Health radically reduce maternal mortality in Sierra Leone: https://www.pih.org/hankandjohn If you’re able to donate $2,000 or more to this effort, please join our matching fund: https://pih.org/hankandjohnmatch If you’re in Canada,…

How do YOU pronounce American English??

From Dr Geoff Lindsey. Faster, safer and smarter than default browsers. Fully-featured for privacy, security, and so much more. Get the faster, better Opera browser for free: https://opr.as/01-Opera-browser-DrGeoffLindsey — Please take our survey for speakers of North American English here: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyNdVal-lokHtFQk5Ja6-ALFrYyBnO47JUySqh3AzlKtsU4HEsR7NnCK1dyR0iKriZiog/exec And please share the link! Thank you! __ Discord https://discord.com/invite/UBWMy5wqZY Patreon https://www.patreon.com/c/drgeofflindsey — 0:00…

Hose Bibbs Good, Better, Best …Ultimate

From The Build Show. In this episode of The Build Show, we’re diving deep into hose bibs—from budget-friendly $20 options to premium $400 models. We break down the "good, better, best" approach, highlighting frost-free designs to protect against frozen pipes and sharing essential tips for Southern and Northern builders alike. Plus, check out some innovative…

18th Century Candy – In The Nutmeg Tavern

From Townsends. For more information on the pictures and sources https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/ Desserts and Confections Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4e4wpjna1vw5t_Iq16XQfQmD9MhJlkmI 24/7 Cooking Livestream https://www.youtube.com/live/Ri2ZYdXAins?si=BIpD-_FvJLUu-acD Complete Confectioner https://www.townsends.us/products/the-complete-confectioner-c-7008 Mrs Eales’s Receipts https://www.townsends.us/products/mrs-eales-s-confectionary-receipts-bk-708 Thumbnail https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Osias_Beert_-_Still_life_of_porcelain_vessels_containing_sweets,_pewter_plates_bearing_sweets_and_chestnuts,_three_pieces_of_glassware_and_a_bread_roll_on_a_table_draped_with_a_mauve_cloth.jpg Nutmeg Tavern Archive for 2025 Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4e4wpjna1vxL3QW4Hzxo7tiqAG0kPaGY The Nutmeg Archive ➧ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4e4wpjna1vz5MfQ_CQMZfSuvhNlNDUmz ➧➧ Click here to get your Townsends catalog! ➧ https://www.townsends.us/pages/catalog-request ➧➧ Help support the…

Can Flex Tape Stop A Cannonball?

From How Ridiculous. #Ad Thanks to Flex Seal for sending the Flex Tape Max for this stunt! #FlexSealAmbassador Rexy Clothing ➤ https://rexyclothing.com Watch HR Gaming ➤ https://youtube.com/hrgaming Business/Licensing Inquiries ➤ https://howridiculous.org/ Memberships ➤ Get bonus YouTube videos, Q&A livestreams, merch discount codes + more! http://bit.ly/HRmemberships Follow us: Instagram ➤ https://www.instagram.com/howridiculous Facebook ➤ https://www.facebook.com/howridiculous TikTok ➤…

How Many Balloons to Make a Meta Quest Fly? 🎈

From Preston. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – http://preston.gg/subscribe 👕 FIRE MERCH – http://www.firemerch.com/ 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – http://firemerch.app/download 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@preston ☛ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/prestonplayz/ ☛ Twitter – https://twitter.com/Preston 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ https://fire.vip/discord —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR If you believe…

How Strong is Glass? 💪

From Brianna. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – http://brianna.gg/subscribe 👕 FIRE MERCH – http://www.brimerch.com/ 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – http://firemerch.app/download 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@brianna ☛ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/brianna_/ ☛ Twitter – https://twitter.com/BriArsement 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ https://fire.vip/discord —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR If you believe…

What Creates Time? A Challenge to Scientific Orthodoxy

From World Science Festival. Scientist and author Julian Barbour joins Brian Greene to explain his heterodox views on the nature of time, entropy, and cosmic origins. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participant: Julian Barbour Moderator: Brian Greene 0:00:00 – Introduction 0:00:52 – Welcome to Julian…

The Swimsuit So Good They Banned It

From “Half as Interesting”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: https://go.nebula.tv/hai Get a Half as Interesting t-shirt: https://standard.tv/collections/half-as-interesting Suggest a video: http://halfasinteresting.com/suggest Follow Sam from Half as Interesting on Instagram: http://Instagram.com/Sam.From.Wendover Follow Half as Interesting on Twitter: http://twitter.com/halfinteresting Discuss this video on Reddit: http://www.Reddit.com/r/halfasinteresting Video…

Unreleased Fortnite Skin Ghoul ⛏️ #fortnite #fortniteshorts #shorts

From Brutal Stipes. THANKS FOR STOPPING BY AND CHILLING WITH ME 👽 ⸸INZTAGRAM ⛧ https://www.instagram.com/brutalstipes/?hl=en ⛧PORTAL OF CTHULHU⛧ ⛧ Twitch ⸸ https://www.twitch.com/BrutalStipes VAPORWAVE ALBUM – BRUTALWARE⛧ https://boomy.com/s/19155630 TIKTOK ⛧ https://www.tiktok.com/@brutalstipeslive?_t=8k1fiV68HL5&_r=1 ⛧Twitter⛧ Tweets by BrutalStipes ⛧DISCORD⛧ https://discord.com/invite/3rsUFVZa ⛧FACEBOOK⛧ https://m.facebook.com/people/Brutal-Stipes/100010920814599/ #osamason #fyp​ #dance​ #doechii​ @Doechii #doechii​ #doechiichallenge​ #fyp​ #denialisariver​ #kylahchoreography​ @Kenna #denialisarive​ #vaporwave ALBUM Buy here ☺️…

What Happened to Decades?

From Adam Conover. Seriously, what happened to the idea of decades? We’re already halfway through the "20s," yet for the past twenty years, the cultural conversation has been dominated by "generations" instead. Here’s why that shift isn’t doing anyone any favors. Visit https://groundnews.com/factually to stay fully informed, see through biased media and get all sides…

Who Hid a Fresh Body in a Civil War Grave?

From Ask A Mortician. Was this a story of graverobbing or gravedepositing? Support our team and the production of these videos through PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/thegooddeath MORE CAITLIN DOUGHTY The Book I Wrote: http://caitlindoughty.com/books The Course I Created: https://www.mortalcourse.com/ The Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegooddeath PRODUCTION CREDITS Host & Writer: Caitlin Doughty (@thegooddeath) Researcher & Writer: Louise Hung (@LouiseHung1) Editor…

Why Russia and Kazakhstan Pretend to be Allies

From “PolyMatter”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Go to https://brilliant.org/Polymatter to get 30 days free and 20% off Brilliant Premium. Watch this video ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/polymatter-why-russia-and-kazakhstan-pretend-to-be-allies Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Wp4F0PWjQ3UqBNgTKb0KGFHACTdakOgZPjoUshpFwE/edit?usp=sharing Twitter: https://twitter.com/polymatters Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/PolyMatter Email: polymatter@standard.tv Support independent creators like PolyMatter on Nebula: https://go.nebula.tv/polymatter How I Make These Videos: https://skl.sh/2OW1YQR Audio Editing by Donovan Bullen Motion…

Red Velvet Pot de Crème | Food Wishes

From Food Wishes. These sexy red velvet pots de crèmes are a special occasion chocolate dessert, which are rich and decadent, but still somehow fairly light on the palate. They are super easy to make, gorgeous to look at, and very delicious to eat. Whether it’s for Valentine’s Day or not, these are a must-make…

The REAL Science of Groundhogs

From SciShow. Visit https://brilliant.org/scishow/ to get started learning STEM for free. The first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription and a 30-day free trial. Groundhogs are famous in North America for "predicting" when spring will come (and also that Bill Murray movie). But while they might make for terrible meteorologists, they…

What The Hell Happened to My Name is Earl?

From Nerdstalgic. "If you do good things, good things will happen to you.” Unfortunately, that rule didn’t apply to My Name Is Earl. Despite being a critically acclaimed and fan-favorite sitcom, the show was abruptly canceled after just four seasons—leaving viewers without a proper ending. So what exactly led to the downfall of My Name…

The Real Reason Trump is Threatening to Seize Greenland

From “Real Life Lore”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Use code "reallifelore" to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan: https://incogni.com/reallifelore Watch more than 30 additional exclusive RealLifeLore videos on Nebula in Modern Conflicts: https://nebula.tv/modernconflicts Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP5tjEmvPItGyLhmjdwP7Ww RealLifeLore on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RealLifeLore/ Select video clips courtesy of Getty Images Select video clips courtesy…

I Explored MORE OF the World’s First Nuclear Power Plant (and How It Works) Smarter Every Day 306B

From Smarter Every Day 2. Try AnyDesk for FREE! It’s good. https://anydesk.com/smarter Get Email Updates: https://www.smartereveryday.com/email-list Click here if Main Channel Video: https://youtu.be/JVROsxtjoCw ⇊ Click below for more links! ⇊ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GET SMARTER SECTION Have a suggestion or an offer for the Smarter Every Day Nuclear Series? https://www.smartereveryday.com/manufacturing Checkout Idaho National Laboratory: https://inl.gov/ Go see…

I Explored the World’s First Nuclear Power Plant (and How It Works) – Smarter Every Day 306

From SmarterEveryDay. You can try AnyDesk for free. It’s good. https://anydesk.com/smarter Get Email Updates: https://www.smartereveryday.com/email Second Channel Video: ⇊ Click below for more links! ⇊ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have a suggestion or an offer for the Smarter Every Day Nuclear Series? Form: https://www.smartereveryday.com/manufacturing GET SMARTER SECTION Checkout Idaho National Laboratory: https://inl.gov/ Go see EBR-1 https://inl.gov/ebr/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experimental_Breeder_Reactor_I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…

Bill Gates Traumatized His Parents: The Early Years You Don’t Know About | The Big Interview | WIRED

From Wired. Businessman, philanthropist, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates sits down with WIRED Editor-At-Large Steven Levy to discuss the inspiration behind his new book ‘Source Code: My Beginnings’. #BillGates #Microsoft #WIRED Director: Efrat Kashai Director of Photography: Charlie Jordan Editor: Alex Mechanik Host: Steven Levy Guest: Bill Gates Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi Associate Producer: Paul…

Only one way to assemble those Bizarre Dovetail Puzzles!

From Mr.Puzzle. The puzzle shown in this video is available here: https://amzn.to/4hjkEGN https://amzn.to/3PXXPfL https://www.slidaglobal.com/ My Amazon.com shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/mrpuzzle As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. THE WORLDS BEST PUZZLE SHOPS I DO RECOMMEND, incl. vouchers!: https://lnk.bio/Mr.Puzzle My favorite puzzle shops on Etsy: https://tidd.ly/3lPMHpk Music and SFX I used in this video is available…

Toxic or Not: GREASE

From Cinema Therapy. To get 50% off your first order of nutrition-packed CookUnity meals, go to https://www.cookunity.com/cinema50. CookUnity connects you with top chefs from across the US, delivering their signature dishes fresh to your door. With hundreds of meals to choose from, there’s something for everyone! Is Grease toxic… or not? Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker…

The green transition isn’t working #climatechange #socialism #renewableenergy #environment #marxism

From “Our Changing Climate”. ( YouTube / Nebula ) Help me make more videos like this by supporting the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OurChangingClimate Email List: https://ourchangingclimateocc.substack.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OurClimateNow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/occvideos/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/occ.climate/ Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/OurChangingClimate/ _______________________ For music, I use Artlist. You can get 2 months free with this link: https://artlist.io/artlist-70446/?artlist_aid=occ_2345&utm_source=affiliate_p&utm_medium=occ_2345&utm_campaign=occ_2345 For stock footage, I use…

The surprising data on AI and unemployment rates | Joseph Politano

From Big Think. “I’m here to argue that AI is not going to cause a rise in unemployment. I think it’s actually increased employment in the United States, not decreased it.” Subscribe to Big Think on YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQECJukTDE2i6aCoMnS-Vg?sub_confirmation=1 Up next, How COVID-era monetary policy changed everything ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEnxt1cf3MI When ChatGPT was first rolled out,…

Know When To Hold ‘Em

From Grand Illusions. Visit Tim’s Toy Shop, at https://www.grand-illusions.com/ ________________________________________________________ Is Tim a gambler? He certainly has a lot of playing cards. However they are all rather unusual if not downright strange, so maybe they would not actually be all that good for gamblers! The ‘Zero’ of diamonds? A six of spades where the symbols…

How China’s DeepSeek Came for Big AI

From Bloomberg. As US companies pour billions of dollars into advancing artificial intelligence, a little-known Chinese startup has seemingly done the impossible. DeepSeek unveiled a chatbot app that performs as well if not better than those of Silicon Valley giants, and at a fraction of the cost. Get the Q&AI newsletter with Bloomberg’s Shirin Ghaffary.…


From Omeleto. Two sisters summon a spirit. I CALL UPON THEE is used with permission from Michael Anthony Kratochvil. Learn more at https://michaelkratochvil.net. Nia and Jo are two young sisters in Australia. They live with their mother in a threadbare apartment. Their mother has collapsed into a mental breakdown, barely able to care for them…