Why Useless Knowledge Can Be So Useful

From It’s OK to be Smart.

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Our lizard friend the Gila monster probably has no idea that a chemical in its spit inspired one of the most important medical advancements of the 21st century. But this story is really about something bigger. Something deeper, beneath the surface. About why we do science in the first place. And about what kind of questions are the best ones for scientists to ask.

References: https://sites.google.com/view/useless-knowledge-references/home


High fives to all our Brain Trust Patrons:

Olivia Ruiz
Mike and Patty Loftis
Ed Eyden
Jennifer Burton
Holly, Brett, and Ashe Bullion
Jaap Westera
Barbora Bei
dani bowman
David Johnston
Baerbel Winkler
Eric Meer
Karen Haskell

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