Why the Hero Should Influence the Story World

From “Story Mode”. ( YouTube / Nebula )

From the team behind @LessonsfromtheScreenplay: Narrative director John Gonzalez helps us examine authored player characters, the benefits of a motivated protagonist, and how Aloy’s personal journey is connected to the mystery of the story world.

With Story Mode, we want quality over quantity, but we need your help to do that. Support Story Mode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/StoryModeOn

Twitter: https://twitter.com/storymodeon
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/StoryModeOn/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/storymode_on/

Special Thanks
John Gonzalez

Founder-level Patrons
Sharon Fagen
Arne Meyer
Kunal Nayyar

Directed by
Michael Tucker (https://twitter.com/michaeltuckerla)

Vince Major (https://twitter.com/VinceMajor)
Wyatt Strain (https://twitter.com/wyattari)
Michael Tucker

Brian Bitner (https://twitter.com/BrianBitner)
Alex Calleros (https://twitter.com/Alex_Calleros)
Michael Tucker

Alex Calleros
Michael Tucker

Game Capture Artist
Wyatt Strain