BC Earthquake downgraded to 4.7 magnitude, felt across South Coast

From Global News.

An earthquake near Sechelt, B.C. sent shock waves across the southwestern part of the province Friday afternoon, reminding British Columbians they live in quake country.

Although preliminary reports pegged the quake at a magnitude of 5.1, Earthquakes Canada later downgraded it to a magnitude 4.7.

So far, there are no reports of any infrastructure damage, however some nerves may have been rattled.

Alissa Thibault has more on how Metro Vancouver municipalities are responding and getting reaction from people in Vancouver.

Meanwhile, Legislative Bureau Chief Keith Baldrey has more from the legislature in Victoria, where politicians felt the earth move.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/11029783/earthquake-bc-friday/
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