A Teeny Tiny Medal – Objectivity 286

From Objectivity.

A tiny medal commemorating the Grand Old Duke of York. More links below ↓↓↓

The Duke of York (Prince Frederick) is commemorated by a column adjacent to the Royal Society. But we’re looking at a small medal from the collection of Sir John Herschel – it’s origin is mysterious.

Featuring Keith Moore (head librarian at the Royal Society) speaking with Brady.

Objectivity on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/objectivity

More medals at the Royal Society: https://youtu.be/MzRluCBweJE
Eric Lidell’s gold medal: https://youtu.be/grQCKKQ9j9A

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Films by James Hennessy and Brady Haran

Royal Society website: http://bit.ly/Royal_Society

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