How to Take Care of a Peach Tree

From Family Plot. Get a Good Harvest by Keeping Your Peach Tree Healthy Subscribe: Visit: Peaches face several disease and insect threats. Controlling these diseases and insects, and proper pruning will give you a juicy harvest. Peaches require the proper care to be successful and provide you with lots of juicy fruit to…

Everything You Must Know Before Planting an Apple Tree

From Family Plot. Disease resistance, climate, and rootstock are all important considerations when choosing an apple tree. Visit: Subscribe: There are over 5,000 apple varieties worldwide, with about 2,000 available in the US. Disease-resistant varieties are important for homeowners, as they reduce the need for chemical treatments to control apple scab, fire blight,…

Shrub Care 101: How to Identify Lost Causes vs. Survivors

From Family Plot. Choosing which damaged or struggling plants to keep, and which to pull out. More info: When considering which plants are worth saving and which should be replaced, it’s important to assess the health of the plant by examining the canopy and overall growth. Retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Lelia Kelly explains…

10 Stunning Plants That Look Great Year-Round

From Family Plot. Move beyond simple spring-blooming shrubs or colorful fall trees with plants with a unique look year-around. Retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Lelia Kelly lists her favorite plants that attract attention all year long. Plants like the rabbiteye blueberry, oakleaf hydrangea, and various maples offer spring blooms, summer foliage, and vibrant fall color,…

Can Bird Netting Really Stop Deer? See the Results!

From Family Plot. In an accidental side-by-side test, bird netting kept deer away from pansies. More Garden info: A few weeks ago, we put bird netting over our pansies. Just after that the landscapers planted a whole bunch of pansies right next to our garden. Well, it did not take long, but the deer…

Bird Netting – The Invisible Deer and Rabbit Repellent

From Family Plot. Keep Deer and Rabbits from feasting on young tender flowers with bird netting. You can keep them from munching on your young tender plants with almost invisible bird netting. More gardening: Gardener Peter Richards shows how to use a few bamboo stakes, zip ties and some bird netting to cover a…

Essential Care Tips for Cool-Season Lawns in the Southeast

From Family Plot. Cool season grasses like tall fescue and bluegrass can grow in the southern US, but they require special care. More Garden Videos: UT Extension Agent Joseph Seago gives tips for successfully growing cool season grasses in the hot climate of the Southeastern U.S. He gives maintenance practices, including interseeding, irrigation, and…

Bromeliads 101: A Beginners Guide to Care and Common Issues

From Family Plot. Bromeliad plant care, life cycle, bloom, possible problems. More garden videos: Bromeliads are a diverse family of plants featuring around 2,500 species and thousands of varieties. They are known for their striking foliage and vibrant colors. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond reviews common types of Bromeliads, and tells…