Genius Car Ideas That Actually Suck

From Donut Media. Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using or through my promo code DONUT Innovation isn’t always good! These are ideas that seemed good on paper but were actual nightmares. Directed by: Kristina Felske Produced by: Angela Trevino Research by: Kaden…

$73 vs $1,800 Transmission Upgrades | HiLow

From Donut Media. Thanks to Allstate for sponsoring today’s episode! Click here to check Allstate first for a quote that could save you hundreds. RSVP to our HiLow finale in Tucson, AZ at the link below: Donut = We like cars, and we like making videos about cars. Hopefully our videos make you like…