You Are Not Evil

From hankschannel. I get so tired of stuff like this…I know my whole thing is "Imagine things complexly" but, like, sometimes I am shocked by how incapable of that people seem to be. We are not a species so stupid that we are destroying our environment, we are a species that has tireless optimized our…

Who is Creating The Non-Human Army

From hankschannel. Do we have a better chance of figuring out how to handle this with a decentralized service or a centralized service? I do not know… Check out Complexly.Store Let’s keep a running list of reasons why they’re doing this in the pinned comment!

$4.5M to Spray Alcoholic Rats with Bobcat Urine

From hankschannel. I’m just saying, it’s easy to make stuff sound absurd, but then if you look a little bit you’re like, Oh, well, it’s probably OK that the government is spending money trying to understand the neurochemistry of the relationship between PTSD and alcoholism, and scientists probably know how to do that better than…