Screwball Scramble!

From Vsauce. I gave this to my daughter 🎁. but. I’m loving it too 😎 There are 2 additional courses that can by added to this one to make a nice looooong game. #screwballscramble #game #mechanical #80s #ballbearing #toy #challenge #arcade #tomy #buttons #dials #joystick #obstacles #Pinball

The Experiment We Didn’t Show

From Vsauce. WisDUMB Of The Crowd? #MindField #season3 #StilwellBrain #psychology #mind #brain #highschool #neuralnetworks #socialexperiment #guessing #wisdomofthecrowd #research #experiment #conformity #jellybeans #guessinggame

The Best Sundial

From Vsauce. ☀️⏳️🕰 🕰⏳️☀️ #sundial #watch #clock #time #daylightsavings #timezone #timekeeping #best #accurate #schmoyer #sunquest #equationoftime #orbit #seasons #shadow #history #stem #science #math #tool #railroads #sun #earth #model #simulation #frankensteinsmonster

Walt Disney’s Hands

From Vsauce. Be sure to make a hand turkey today 🖐🦃 #hands #history #museum #medicine #anatomy #waltdisney #drsuess #abrahamlincoln #peanuts #uspresident #moonlanding #louisarmstrong #andrethegiant #waltwhitman #normanborlaug #celebrity #bronze #hearttransplant #baylor #bayloruniversity #fingers #Schopenhauer #philosophy #reality #tools