why is it always rubidium?

From acollierastro. Luciteria: https://www.luciteria.com/blog/2020/11/24/how-to-start-a-periodic-table-with-real-elements-collection Link to Patreon — one exclusive video per month: https://www.patreon.com/acollierastro I have merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/angela-collier 00:00 Introduction 02:04 Rubidium 06:24 Quantum Quantum Quantum 11:22 Why is it always Rubidium? 14:19 Some uses of Rubidium 16:09 Credits 18:42 My Eric Cornell story

who gets the Nobel prize?

From acollierastro. Some misconceptions about the Nobel prize and a Nobel prize worthy science story. Except this is a horror story. The discovery of insulin is a horror story and you cannot change my mind.I am not a medical doctor. The Discovery of Insulin by Michael Bliss: https://utorontopress.com/9781487529130/the-discovery-of-insulin/?srsltid=AfmBOopd5zlRO4r0P7v5TDpVVBHYvFaw0l6V26YoqUwTuUgJiUdZ1RfT Nobel Prize Org: https://www.nobelprize.org/the-nobel-prize-organisation/ Total Dietary Regulation…

the malicious optimism of AI-first companies

From acollierastro. The CEO of Zoom wants AI clones in meetings at the Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/3/24168733/zoom-ceo-ai-clones-digital-twins-videoconferencing-decoder-interview Your guide to post-quantum end-to-end encryption and how Zoom can help: https://www.zoom.com/en/blog/guide-to-post-quantum-end-to-end-encryption/ Link to Patreon — one exclusive video per month:https://www.patreon.com/acollierastro I have merch—https://store.dftba.com/collections/angela-collier Credit for the powerpoint slides (thank you!): This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,and includes icons…

oops all Jupiters

From acollierastro. How many Jupiter’s fit in our Solar System without destroying everything you know and touch and love? Rebound: https://rebound.readthedocs.io To build my sim I got planet data from NASA: https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/ Pluto video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwCbMJmgShg Link to Patreon — one exclusive video per month:https://www.patreon.com/acollierastro I have merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/angela-collier

long live scientific debate

From acollierastro. I won’t debate you. Here’s why. https://thecorrespondent.com/817/i-wont-debate-you-heres-why The Interaction of Boltzmann with Mach, Ostwald and Planck, and his influence on Nernst and Einstein https://www.osti.gov/etdeweb/biblio/22654646 Physics and Philosophy of Science at the Turn of the Twentieth Century https://www3.nd.edu/~dhoward1/Phil-Phys-1900.pdf Ernst Mach https://plato.stanford.edu/archIves/spr2010/entries/ernst-mach/#AntAto Saving Mach’s View on Atoms https://www.jstor.org/stable/20722524 Boltzmann’s Work in Statistical Physics https://plato.stanford.edu/archIves/spr2010/entries/statphys-Boltzmann/ Helm…

“magnetic forces do no work”

From acollierastro. This video is an answer to a question that was lost in my brain for over ten years. Magnetic fields do work…unless you are working inside a classical electrodynamics theory that isn’t aware of the concept of intrinsic quantum mechanical spin. Which is a very odd choice! But that’s just my opinion, man.…