Griswold vs. Connecticut: the most important Supreme Court case you’ve never heard of

From The Context.

After Brown vs. Board and Roe vs. Wade, Griswold vs. Connecticut is arguably the most important Supreme Court case of the 20th Century. It establishes a Right to Privacy that lives on in various forms today. That was controversial because the word “Privacy” doesn’t actually show up in the US Constitution.

The case centered around Connecticut’s ban on many forms of birth control. In Griswold, it was argued that the ban on birth control was a violation of a couples right to privacy. The Connecticut law that was on the books was a morality law; it was deemed immoral in the State to have sex for any reason other than procreation, even if you were married.

Estelle Griswold challenge this law because the physicians of her clinic were unable to prescribe birth control to their patients. They’d often have to drive to a neighboring state to receive contraceptives like the pill or a diaphragm.

Privacy in the Constitution lives on. It was central to overturning anti-gay sodomy laws that were still in effect in 2003 (Lawrence vs. Texas), and it has been argued that it can contribute to transgender rights (Carcano vs. McCrory, MDNC).