How Science Revealed a Simple Universe: The Winding Road to Cosmic Breakthroughs

From World Science Festival.

Renowned cosmologist David Spergel joins Brian Greene to discuss the triumphs and tensions of precision cosmology, exploring remarkable successes as well as persistent discrepancies bedeviling current understanding.

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

Participant: David Spergel
Moderator: Brian Greene

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:00:35 – Welcome to David Spergel
0:07:20 – Spergel’s involvement on WMAP project
0:14:53 – Measuring temperature and polarization of the microwave background
0:21:35 – How Planck satellite refined WMAP measurements
0:23:38 – Tension with the measurement of the Hubble Constant
0:28:20 – Potential further refinement from data from James Webb Space Telescope
0:29:34 – Strengths and weaknesses of framework of Inflationary Cosmology
0:38:03 – Cosmological gravitational waves’ impact on the microwave background
0:47:53 – Paul Steinhardt’s Cyclic Cosmology
0:50:15 – Spergel’s thoughts on the multiverse
0:52:54 – Dark matter and dark energy
1:02:10 – The language of mathematics
1:04:15 – Conclusion
1:04:50 – Credits

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