I 3D Printed Every Frame of this Animation!

From Corridor Crew.

BambuLab ► Check out BambuLab Printers: http://shrsl.com/2o5ad-2yn7-1cwx9
A1 Mini ► https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=2485357&u=4485829&m=138211&urllink=&afftrack=
X1C Combo ► https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=2353821&u=4485829&m=138211&urllink=&afftrack=

*Buy a 3D printed Wren* ► https://bit.ly/3DprintedWrens
Buy a ticket or the PPV to watch Wren fight ► https://thecreatorclash.com/

Our videos are made possible by Members of CorridorDigital, our Exclusive Streaming Service! Try a membership yourself with a 14-Day Free Trial ► http://corridordigital.com/

Daniel and Wren set out to make a stop motion film where every single frame is a 3D printed model kit!

Winders Provided by Cinespark: https://cinespark.shop/collections/winder-systems

Instagram ► http://instagram.com/corridordigital
Merch ► https://corridordigital.store/

Creative Tools ►
Puget Computers: https://bit.ly/Puget_Systems
Aputure Lights: https://bit.ly/Corridor_Lights
B&H Photo: https://bhpho.to/3r0wEnt
ActionVFX: https://bit.ly/TheBest_ActionVFX
Greyscale Gorilla: https://bit.ly/GreyscalegorillaPlus
Cinema4D: http://bit.ly/Try_Cinema4D
Houdini: https://bit.ly/HoudiniSims
Nuke: https://bit.ly/Nuke_Compositing
JangaFX: https://hubs.ly/Q030gZZ20
KitBash 3D: https://KitBash3D.com/?ref=corridorcrew
BorisFX: https://bit.ly/BorisFXsuite
Octane Render: http://bit.ly/Octane_Wrender
Epidemic Music: http://bit.ly/Corridor_Music

Chapters ►
0:00 The Plan
1:22 Motion Capture
2:45 Multicolor Test
3:41 You Made Me Lego
6:31 3D Printing 300 Wrens
7:42 Daniel’s Poor Fingers
8:28 3D Printed Cloth Simulation
9:46 Wren’s Poor Fingers
10:52 Putting A Bowtie on It
12:18 Help Me Put It All Together
13:29 Problems I’ve Never Solved Before
14:38 3D Printing a Dog
15:22 The Most Ambitious Shot
17:03 The Most Insane Rig
18:37 Turning Point
20:17 My 3D Print Came To Life!