I Tried Every NEW Peeps Flavor & Cinnamon Toast Crunch Iced Coffee!

From either Freakin’ Reviews or Freakin’ 2.

Today I’m testing out new flavors of Peeps for 2025 along with the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Iced Coffee!

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0:00 Introduction
0:28 New Peeps Overview
1:16 Rice Krispies Treats Peeps
2:40 Cinnamon Churro Peep
3:31 Cookies & Cream Peeps
5:04 Tropical Punch Peeps
6:17 Chocolate Pudding Peeps
7:13 A Pretentious Review
7:59 Peeps Jelly Beans
9:10 Peeps Egg Hunt
9:38 Dr. Pepper Peeps
10:52 Peeps Conclusion
11:05 Cinnamon Toast Crunch Iced Coffee
12:02 Cinnamon Toast Crunch With Coffee
13:05 Conclusion

Music by Epidemic Sound
"Pile of Bricks" by Jones Meadow
"For the Moment" by Almost Here

#peeps #snacks #cinnamontoast