I Tried Making Homemade Uncrustables | Claire Recreates

From Claire Saffitz.

I Tried Making Homemade Uncrustables | Claire Recreates
In her exciting YouTube series, Claire Recreates, Claire Saffitz takes on beloved childhood snacks and iconic treats, adding her signature homemade touch. In today’s episode, she tackles the beloved Smucker’s Uncrustables, giving them a creative, from-scratch makeover. Claire takes no shortcuts, making her own homemade white bread, peanut butter, and jelly, transforming this nostalgic lunchbox staple into something truly special. If you’re a fan of classic snacks and curious about the art of recipe development, this series is a must-watch! Don’t miss Claire’s inventive twist on this timeless favorite.

#clairesaffitz #homemade #uncrustables

00:00 Intro
00:54 How does Claire Saffitz make a PBJ?
01:50 Taste test
02:19 Basic Components
02:48 Reading the Ingredients
03:50 Game Plan
04:32 Soft White Bread
06:31 Cal calls Uncrustables
06:59 Peanut butter
13:44 Grape Jelly
18:10 Assembly
26:47 Comparison
28:58 Cat Cam

What’s for Dessert by Claire Saffitz is out now: https://geni.us/WjcIbfp
Dessert Person Online: https://www.dessertperson.com/
Claire on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/csaffitz/?h
Claire Merchandise: https://www.dessertperson.com/buystuff
Penguin Random House Books: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/

Video Series:
Producer/Director: Vincent Cross
Camera Operator: Calvin Robertson
Editor/Motion Graphics: Hal McFall

Animation Credits:
Character Designer/Animator/Backgrounds: Jack Sherry
Character Rigger: Johara Dutton

Makes 1 loaf

½ cup whole milk
½ cup water
50g (6 tablespoons) bread flour

3 cups (390g) bread flour, plus more, if needed, for work surface
¼ cup water
¼ cup milk
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
4 tablespoons neutral oil
9g kosher salt (2½ teaspoons Diamond Crystal kosher salt)
2 teaspoons instant yeast

Grape Jelly
2 lbs green apples
1 quart 100% Concord grape juice
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice

Peanut Butter
3 cups roasted salted peanuts, toasted until golden brown
Generous pinch of salt
2 teaspoons of honey