Inside a percussive massage device – with schematic

From bigclivedotcom.

As massage devices go, this one is quite vigorous. Instead of eccentric weights on a motor shaft it is actually using a cam and piston for a more percussive effect.

In the video I weirdly referred to the batteries as AA, but they are a pair of 18650 cells. Not sure of the capacity as the two series cells and boost circuit messes up in-device testing based on USB charge current over time.

I did test the cells for balance as supplied and they were very close, and the end of charge voltage was 8.14V, so roughly 4.07V per cell.

This unit came from an eBay-seller warehouse in the UK, and was described as:-
99 Speed Massage Gun Deep Tissue Handheld Percussion Muscle Percussion Massager
No direct link, as the eBay sellers tend to gouge the price on a supply and demand basis.

An oddity is the way the displays are run. Instead of displaying all 7 segments at once on alternating digits, it only lights one segment at a time – hence the neat swirling effect on camera. They’re probably doing that to make the displays an even intensity regardless of how many segments are lit. It will also avoid a rogue lower voltage LED affecting other LEDs in the display due to the use of a single current limiting resistor per digit.

If the supplied fitments aren’t quite what you’re looking for, then rest assured that you can find all manner of other attachments for these devices – that are designed for more "intimate" use.

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