Musk donates millions to support anti-abortion Republican for Wisconsin Supreme Court seat | DW News

From DW News.

An election in the US state of Wisconsin – a swing state in recent presidential elections – has become a referendum of sorts on Elon Musk. He, of course, the billionaire playing a major role in President Trump’s efforts to cut the workforce of the federal government.

Musk is backing an anti-abortion Republican in a race for a seat on Wisconsin’s divided nine-member Supreme Court. And groups he funds are expected to back candidate Brad Schimel with some 20 million dollars by the time votes are counted on April 1st. That outside money has prompted big-money help for pro-choice Democrat Susan Crawford from the likes of billionaire George Soros – more than evening the playing field with millions for her campaign.

00:00 Musk backs Republican in Wisconsin
00:40 Moredecai Lee, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

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