Straight Talk on Cosmic Origins

From World Science Festival.

Inflationary Cosmology’s co-founder Andy Albrecht joins Brian Greene to examine cosmic mysteries from the highly ordered beginning of the universe to the possibility of a multiverse.

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

Participant: Andreas Albrecht
Moderator: Brian Greene

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:00:37 – Welcome to Andreas Albrecht
0:18:00 – Entropy of the Universe
0:33:24 – Entropy and Inflation
0:47:05 – Quantum Field Theory Vacuum
0:51:52 – Potential Energy Curve
0:59:18 – Albrecht’s view of Cyclic Cosmology
1:02:57 – Albrecht’s view on Inflation Theory as dogma
1:14:00 – Albrecht’s view of the Multiverse
1:24:30 – What Albrecht expects cosmologists to learn in the future
1:32:10 – Albrecht’s view on the failure to find the B-mode signature
1:33:44 – Conclusion
1:34:49 – Credits

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