Taking Our Home Built Boat Through NYC – Episode 325 – Acorn to Arabella: Journey of a Wooden Boat

From Acorn To Arabella.

Arabella makes her way through New York City!

After setting the anchor in Glen Cove (Long Island, NY), Steve and Robin awake to an early alarm, like 4am-early, to time their arrival to the East River. Along the way, they enjoy incredible views of the Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, and more.

For those who say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, Akiva is making great progress on his boat duties—which is much appreciated during poor weather days and long travel days.

Upon making it to the night’s anchorage, Steve notices that the diesel heater has run out of fuel. Because paper towels are used to get it going, it’s common for debris to build up and clog the filter. After doing some cleaning, it turns out that the issue is the clogged inline fuel filter. Steve gets the heater up and running—and they all enjoy the heat after a long day in the cold.


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Acorn to Arabella started as a wooden boat building project in Granby, Massachusetts. Steve began the journey as an amateur wooden boat builder crafting a 38′ wooden sailboat in his backyard: designer William Atkin’s Ingrid with a Stormy Petrel’s gaff rig. These videos follow the journey from tree felling, to lumber milling, to lofting, to the lead keel pour and now sailing the boat—sharing details of the woodworking, carpentry, metal smithing, tool building, and tool maintenance that traditional wooden boats command. This ultimate DIY project continues beyond the boat shop, as Steve and crew travel and learn to cruise aboard the handmade wooden boat that they’ve built. Just kidding about all that, this channel is about a Siberian Laika named Akiva.


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Original Soundtrack available at benfundis.bandcamp.com

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