The United States needs a Fourth Branch of government

From The Context.

Twitter / IG: @thecontextnews

The United States has had this nagging flaw in its design. It was made with three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) and it turns out that that’s not enough. That fact is made abundantly clear through the story of Inspector General Glenn Fine.

A fourth branch of government (an oversight branch) would take care of the issue of Presidents and government officials having the ability to fire those who are investigating them.

In 1973, Nixon fired a special prosecutor who was investigating him. In 1981, 2001, 2009, and 2019, presidents have fired inspectors general and that firing presented a conflict of interest.

A fourth branch of government would protect Inspectors General and Prosecutors General from firing.

There are alternatives to the Fourth Branch, like passing protections against firing IGs and SPs, but those are subject to the whims of Congress and are subject to inter-branch court battles.

Potential follow-ups to this video include discussing other “Fourth Branches” (e.g., “Deep state”, news media, “the people”) or to talk about potential flaws with a Fourth Branch.
All music licensed through Artlist. Music by: Magiksolo for “Biscuit”, “Edo Machi”, and “Omari”; Lalinea for “Will You Dance With Me”; ANBR for “Separation”; and Jamie Bathgate for “Status”.