To Bean Or Not To Bean: Is Coffee Helping Or Harming You?

From Above the Noise.

Everyday the entire world is constantly consuming the same drug! That’s right – caffeine – with coffee being one of the most popular forms of delivery here in the U.S.

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*What is caffeine?*
Caffeine is a psychoactive/psychostimulant drug that is found naturally in many types of plants. Caffeine is typically safe for consumption within appropriate doses. Despite being labeled as a drug, caffeine is generally not considered to be addictive. However, here in the U.S. caffeine use has become ingrained in our work culture, leaving many of us dependent on it.

*How does caffeine affect your brain?*
Ever wonder why you feel sleepy? Well, the chemical responsible for that feeling is called adenosine. While you go through your day, your brain is constantly creating it to help promote sleep activity. Caffeine as a chemical actually prevents adenosine receptors from absorbing the adenosine you produce. However, this doesn’t stop you from producing adenosine, which explains the crash many of us get after the effects of caffeine start fading.

*Is Coffee healthy for you?*
Well that mostly depends on you. As of right now, research shows that, for the most part, coffee is healthy for you. However, as with everything pertaining to diet, this is on a case-by-case basis. Coffee itself is a chock-full of polyphenols – a.k.a antioxidants – which can help prevent and repair oxidative stress you receive by living your life. Caffeine is also a polyphenol that has neuroprotective qualities. The trouble that most people have with coffee is with caffeine content itself. Everybody has different levels of caffeine tolerance, meaning that a healthy dosage of coffee or caffeine is different for everyone. A few clear signs that you have consumed too much caffeine are things like heart palpitations, jitteriness, anxiety, etc…

*What role has caffeine/coffee played in work culture?*
You could argue that during the industrial revolution, coffee was almost as valuable a resource as coal or oil was. It was the fuel to get the common worker through their day without keeling over in the middle of their shift. It wasn’t always like this though. The bean itself has seen a lot of use throughout human history as a form of medicine. In the 1400’s the method of brewing coffee was finally discovered. Literally revolutionizing the world, for better or worse playing a key part in both the American and French revolutions, as well as the industrial revolution.

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Caffeine effects on children

Caffeine Guidelines,those%2012%2D18%20years%20old

Coffee Nutrition

The world’s most used psychoactive

0:00 Intro
1:04 The Bean & What It Means To Human History
3:24 Your Brain & Body On Coffee
6:23 Coffee: Dependence Or Addiction?
#coffee #caffeine