Trump’s Winning Strategy that he Abandoned to Defeat

From The Context.

It’s been reported that Donald Trump has banned the very mention of Richard Nixon in the final days of his term, but the comparisons aren’t without parallels. Sure, impeachment and approval ratings are one parallel, but when you dig into the arcs of each President you’ll find similar campaign strategies, news media antagonism, and secret plans (!?).

I’m not the first to point out the Trump Nixon similarities. Trump and his campaign manager we early in making the comparison between their campaign and Nixon’s campaign in 1968.

Donald Trump’s and Richard Nixon’s arcs fit too tightly to be ignored, but you’ll also see that there are major differences between the two. Namely, their governing styles were completely different. Nixon executed a broadly appealing form of governance, where Trump focused on several pressure cooker issues. The Trump Nixon comparison is interesting, at the very least.

#TrumpNixon #NixonTrump