Why saving the planet’s glaciers is a matter of survival | DW Mews

From DW News.

Today marks the first World Day for Glaciers. Years of rapid glacier retreat mean many are unlikely to survive the 21st century. With glaciers shrinking, this event is less of a celebration, and more of a reckoning. Glaciers and mountain ice caps store about 70% of global freshwater resources. In recent years, glacier ice has receded at a record rate. The loss ranges from 2% in the Antarctic to almost 40% in Central Europe.

DW caught up with well-traveled photographer Sean Gallup, whose pictures over the past nine years show the stark transformation in the landscape.

Chapter Breakdown:
0:00 Sean Gallup’s photographs over the past nine years illustrate a stark transformation in the landscape.
3:14 John Kennedy, Scientific Coordinator for the World Meteorological Organization, on climate change’s acceleration and global loss of glacier ice

#glacier #iceshrinking

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