I Was SCARED To Say This To NASA… (But I said it anyway) – Smarter Every Day 293

From SmarterEveryDay. If you’d like to consider joining the Patreon Sticker Team, Click Here! šŸ‘‰ https://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday šŸ‘ˆ A big thanks to the Jim Way, Executive Director of the American Astronautical Society for Inviting me to Speak: https://astronautical.org/ A big thanks to The University of Alabama in Huntsville for Hosting: https://www.uah.edu/ Dr. Jason Cassibry is my…

Scroll Compressor Exposed: Understanding Its Mechanical Magic

From The Engineering Mindset. How do scroll compressors work? What are the main parts, the different types and controls. Thanks to their unique design, the DSG scrolls deliver equivalent capacity to their R410A/R32/R454B alternatives, with excellent efficiency, and without footprint increase. šŸŽLearn more about DSG compressors here: āž”ļø https://bit.ly/3YVZUfO āš”šŸ› ļø TOOLS YOU NEED šŸ› ļøāš” *******************************…