I Was SCARED To Say This To NASA… (But I said it anyway) – Smarter Every Day 293

From SmarterEveryDay. If you’d like to consider joining the Patreon Sticker Team, Click Here! 👉 https://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday 👈 A big thanks to the Jim Way, Executive Director of the American Astronautical Society for Inviting me to Speak: https://astronautical.org/ A big thanks to The University of Alabama in Huntsville for Hosting: https://www.uah.edu/ Dr. Jason Cassibry is my…

a tiny peek at Christmas economics

From acollierastro. People who do not celebrate christmas but have other gift-intense holidays: is it bad for you too? Link to The Deadweight Loss of Christmas: https://www.amherst.edu/media/view/104699/original/christmas.pdf Original Planet Money podcast with Prof. Waldfogel: https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2009/11/podcast_happy_efficent_holiday.html/ Link to Planet Money candy bar episode: https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2012/12/25/167976196/episode-238-making-christmas-more-joyful-and-more-efficient Link to ‘In defense of gift giving’ or we could change the…