WORST PRANK Ever Played On Me!!

From Let Me Explain Studios. The one time I got a big part in high school theater, and it was almost ruined by a horrible prank! MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/let-me-explain-studios-by-rebecca-parham SPECIAL GUEST: Daneboe: @AnnoyingOrange ARTISTS: Megan Maher: https://meganamaher.com/ Chloe Dungate: @ScarfDemon Amelia Rosenbalm: https://www.instagram.com/galloame/ Emilee Dummer: https://www.instagram.com/edummerart/ E Griswold: https://elisegriswold.tumblr.com/ Abby Staker Graham (Storyboarding): https://www.instagram.com/abbythesecond/ (I’m an…

What’s the curse of the Schwarz lantern?

From Mathologer. Second coop with Andrew. This time it’s about the Schwarz lantern a very famous counterexample to something that mathematicians believed to be obviously true. A 3D cousin of the famous pi = 4 paradox. 00:00 Intro 00:39 Troll math: the pi=4 meme 02:25 Archimedes chops off corners 05:51 Archimedes boxing of pi 07:40…