She’s Pregnant?!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Today, things take a wild turn when Olive keeps insisting that she’s pregnant and not only that, but she claims Chad, Shinobi, or Reo could be the father! Something about her story just isn’t adding up, we need real answers. To finally get to…

Who is Suing Us? (Police Showed Up)

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). We’re being sued! The police showed up and gave us a court order to show up for a paternity test! What’s worse is the person suing us won’t even reveal their identity! Luckily we recognized where the court order came from, so we head…


Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Las Vegas Metro Police storms a safe house, arresting Chad, Reo, Shinobi, and Stormi for the alleged assault of a pregnant woman on March 9th, 2025, near Angel’s Park. They insist they’ve been framed, but the arresting officer presents a live call with Vinny,…

Who is Pregnant?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). I found a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom at our safe house! Who in the house is pregant? Is my wife Vy Qwaint pregnant? Or is our friend Stormi secretly pregnant? The boys and I must find out who is pregnant whle we…

Was Saving This Fan On my Birthday a Mistake?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). After rescuing our super fan, Olive, from a cardboard box in the back of a U-Haul truck, she pulls a knife on us and is claiming somebody kidnapped her and trapped her in that box. She is acting very suspicious so we keep a…

Old Spy Ninja Fan KIDNAPPED Me!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). THIS IS INSANE! A masked Spy Ninja fan captured me and Shinobi and locked us in boxes! 😱 Now Chad, Reo, and Stormi must race against time to find us before it’s too late. But we’re NOT just waiting around— Shinobi and I are…

He Got Sucked into the Vents!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Something really strange is going on in our safe house! First we thought the house was cursed by spirits, and now our friend Shinobi got sucked up into the vents! Chad thinks that there’s a logical explanation, but Reo and I aren’t so sure!…

Our House Is Cursed!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Vy and I were woken up in the middle of the night by strange noises echoing through the Safehouse. At first, we thought it was just the wind… until we heard Stormi scream from her room! When we rushed in, we found something terrifying……

Fighting Over a Girl!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). My roommates Shinobi and Reo won’t stop fighting! My Roommates hate each other because they both like the same girl, Stormi! Now they aren’t talking to each other and might never be friends again! My wife, Vy Qwaint and I, are going to try…

Can I get my Friends to Kiss?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). My friends are on a date but they are both being shy and awkward. I know they have a secret crush on each other. Once they kiss, I think their awkwardness will go away. So I recruit my husband, Chad Wild Clay, and our…

Do my Friends Secretly Like Each Other?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). I caught my friends holding hands! I think Shinobi and Stormi secretly have a crush on each other. This could be a big problem because we all just moved in together into the Safe House. If they start dating and then breakup, that means…

I Found Hidden Treasure in My House

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Vy Chad Shinobi and Stormi find Reo digging for treasure at the safehouse. Reo tells his friends that his old criminal boss who used to live in the safehouse hid his treasure here and they have to find it. The Spy Ninjas soon discover…

Will This END Our Marriage?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Shinobi’s psycho Ex Girlfriend Olive took SECRET PHOTOS of me while I was sleeping, and the whole world is about to see them! If she leaks these photos, my life is OVER! 💔 One click could END my marriage and turn the whole world…

Is My Husband Cheating on Me?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). I tracked down my missing husband, Chad Wild Clay, to our old Safe House but I found him inside acting weird with another girl! My friends, Shinobi Stormi and Reo, and I were going to rescue Chad but instead he kicked us out of…

Help! I’m Locked in a Freezer!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Shinobi, Stormi, Reo, Olive, and I wake up disoriented in front of HQ’s freezer, they quickly discover Vy and the Intern are trapped inside with the temperature dropping fast. I’m pretty sure Olive is behind it all and wants to pretend we’re in a…

I’m the New Vy Qwaint!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). HEY SPY NINJAS! IT’S YOUR FAVORTIE SPY NINJA SUPER FAN OLIVE AND I HAVE TAKEN OVER VY QWAINT’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL BECOMING THE NEW VY QWAINT! I left the Spy Ninjas split up intro two different rooms and when they woke up they panicked and…

Ex-Girlfriend CHEATS in Squid Game 2 in Real Life

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Today we are playing Squid Game 2 in real life but this time Shinobi’s Ex-Girlfriend Olive is going to try to win and take over our youtube channels! We start by playing Squid Game Glass Bridge game with boxes and it got INTENSE and…

He Married the Wrong Girl!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Shinobi may have just made the worst mistake of his life! Shinobi is married to Olive, our crazy, stalker superfan!? Stormi shows up to object to the marriage, but it’s too late! They already said their I do’s. Now that we know that Stormi…

We Must STOP the Wedding!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Olive and Shinobi are getting married, but something feels really off about this whole situation. My wife Vy, Reo, Stormi, and I have been tasked with prepping for the big day! Olive has given us a bizarre list of things to find: white flowers,…

His Ex-Girlfriend is Trying to Kill Me

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Chad, Vy, and Shinobi are almost hit by a car in the parking lot of Spy Ninjas HQ. They soon realize the driver of the vehicle is Shinobi’s ex-girlfriend, Olive. Shinobi admits to Chad and Vy that he never officially broke up with her…

I Found a Man LIVING in My WALL!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). I found a mysterious man living behind our wall at Spy Ninjas HQ! We pulled him out through a hole in the wall while he explained that other people are living back there and were holding him captive. He seemed to happy to be…

There’s Someone LIVING in Our Wall

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). There’s something terrifying hiding in Spy Ninjas HQ, and we need to figure out what it is before it’s too late! It all started when we heard a strange banging sound coming from a hidden area of HQ we’ve never seen before. When we…

Someone is Screaming at Night

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). We heard screaming somewhere inside! Things are already closed down, and everyone knows we close at 10pm, so this definitely is not normal. When we follow the screams they lead us to our good friend and fellow Spy Ninja, Shinobi, but when the screaming…


Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). It’s my birthday this week, and I find Chad and the rest of the Spy Ninjas gang planning something. Is it a birthday surprise?? I try to sneak up on them but Chad shoos me away, kicking me out of HQ because he thinks…

Win Squid Game 2 become a Spy Ninja

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Spy Ninja recruits Reo and Stormi, and rival criminals, Red and Stryker, compete in Squid Game in real life to see who will become the next Spy Ninja. Just in time for the release of Netflix Squid Game 2. Chad Wild Clay is the…

My Friend Ruined Christmas!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). We’re here at Spy Ninjas HQ donating presents to the Toys for Tots charity when Reo throws one of our presents to the ground. He yells he hates Christmas and steals our Christmas tree. We chase him outside and find him stomping on it…

I Broke the Law to Help Police

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Today is the End of YouTube! The End of Scattered Skull’s Deletion Day is here and the cyber-terrorists have hijacked the youtube building with hostages inside! They’re also planning on releasing a virus that will delete youtube at midnight tonight! There’s real police and…

Is Saving This Murderer A Mistake?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). YouTube is in danger, and it’s up to us Spy Ninjas to save it! The Scattered Skull Deletion Day virus is spreading fast, and threatening to wipe it out forever. Our only hope lies with our enemy the PZ Leader, the only hacker most…

Should We Let Our Enemy Die?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). We found the PZ Leader’s POD and took him back from the evil Scattered Skull, but the Project Zorgo Leader is barely alive. The PZ Leader is the only one in the world that has the ability to hack the YouTube deletion virus and…

Digging Up Project Zorgo Leader’s Body

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). There’s only one hacker powerful enough to stop YouTube Deletion Day and that’s the Project Zorgo Leader! That’s why we have to go back to where we dumped the PZ Leader’s body and dig him up. But what if he’s not alive anymore? Can…

Ex-Project Zorgo Member Joins Spy Ninjas

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Vy and I saved a Project Zorgo hacker from Scattered Skull. The hacker promised if we rescured him, he would help us hack the deletion day bomb and stop YouTube from being deleted forever. The only problem is… the hacker we save is PZ…

Saving Old Project Zorgo Hacker

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). A Project Zorgo Member is back! Chad Wild Clay and I infiltrated the cyber-terrorist group, Scattered Skull’s, secret bunker and saw the scattered skull initiates kidnapping an old project zorgo hacker! I tried to stop them because we need that hacker to stop the…

Trapped In YouTube’s Basement

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). I’m captured! Scattered Skull has taken me down into the basement of the new YouTube building, and even worse is that they’re tying me and intern up right near the Deletion Day bomb! Everything is looking pretty grim until thankfully Vy shows up with…

They’re Deleting My Youtube Channel…

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Chad and Vy just received a mysterious message on their YouTube channels claiming that their channels and possibly ALL of YouTube will be deleted on December 21, 2024! Determined to save their channel and uncover the truth, Their investigation leads them to the Youtube…

Betrayed by Old Spy Ninjas Fan

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). I don’t know how we ended up here, but Burn Face and the Scattered Skull initiates have us captive in the command center at Spy Ninjas HQ! What’s worse is that Burn Face is threatening to melt our faces off! What’s even worse than…

Vy Qwaint is COOKED

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Chad and Vy have been kidnapped by the dangerous and mysterious Burn Face! This twisted arson has given them a terrifying ultimatum: for each Spy Ninjas video they let Scattered Skull delete, they’ll be safe from his horrifying threat to burn their faces off!…

A Spy Ninja Betrayed Me?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). I’m not sure how it happened, but Evil Twin Stormi knocked me out, kidnapped me, and handed me over to Burn Face. Right before PZ6 was going to melt my face off with his lit propane tank, Evil Twin Stormi knocked me out again…

The End of Melvin…

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). ▶Christmas Presents! Spy Ninjas Stuff! – After Chad Wild Clay made "The Team is Back Together…", Vy Qwaint created "The End of Regina…", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "Inside the POD Lives the PZ LEADER!", The Spy Ninja team mourn the loss of their beloved…

Inside the POD Lives the PZ LEADER!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). After Chad Wild Clay made "CLOAKER is Trapped Inside the POD!", Vy Qwaint created "STOP the POD going NUCLEAR! ☢", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "The PZ Leader Wants Me to Join Him", The Project Zorgo Leader is inside the Pod! The Pod is inside the…

The PZ Leader Wants Me to Join Him

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). The PZ Leader is alive and he is in jail. He hacked our screens and asked Daniel to join him and Project Zorgo. He promised him that he could use the POD to make Daniel a famous pop star. The rock star he always…

Yes, I am Still Alive…

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). November 26th, 2022 = The Apocalypse Two years ago, the Spy Ninjas destroyed my life’s work, Project Zorgo. We were the most powerful hacking organization on YouTube. The Spy Ninjas left me for dead. Unfortunately for them, I’m still alive. I’m in a german…

Mom & Dad?

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). ▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS – After Chad Wild Clay made "AMAZING RACE To Find My ENEMIES PARENTS!", Vy Qwaint created "I’m having Nightmares", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "I Own Las Vegas now!", ! Finally, after months of looking, Melvin and Regina find their parents…

I Own Las Vegas now!

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Spy Ninjas Gear: After Chad Wild Clay made "This is the Most Haunted Hotel Room", Vy Qwaint created "Pranking My Enemy in the Most Haunted Hotel", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "Our Missing Parents Live in an Abandoned Ghost Town", Chad and Daniel become Mr.…

Our Missing Parents Live in an Abandoned Ghost Town

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Melvin and Regina, also known as PZ9 and PZ4, also known as Skull and Crossbones, have received clues from the mysterious Pod, the big boss, about the possible whereabouts of their long lost parents. It gives the siblings a few unspecified pictures of what…

Why I’m Turning Evil

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Regina wants to find her family and figures out the her brother Melvin, knows how. Melvin, PZ9, shows Regina video evidence, that her family is out there. Conflicted between the Spy Ninjas and PZ9, Regina needs to make a hard decision- her family or…

I’m Back…

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). New PZ9 Hacker Mask Compiled from the following: Vy Qwaint, Melvin PZ9 The Best Fighter, Daniel Gizmo, Chad Wild Clay, Project Zorgo, and Regina Ginera.


Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). LOADING… Compiled from the following: Vy Qwaint, Melvin PZ9 The Best Fighter, Daniel Gizmo, Chad Wild Clay, Project Zorgo, and Regina Ginera.

this is not a test

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). Compiled from the following: Vy Qwaint, Melvin PZ9 The Best Fighter, Daniel Gizmo, Chad Wild Clay, Project Zorgo, and Regina Ginera.

Trying to Get Rich by Looting in Roblox

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). After Chad Wild Clay made "TRAPPED by CHAD & Vy – Spending 24 Hours Breaking Out of Extreme Escape Room | Spy Ninjas", Vy Qwaint created "Spending 24 Hours in a BUBBLE – Vy Pranks Regina to Escape Snow Globe House", Daniel Gizmo uploaded…

SQUID GAME vs Melvin & Regina in Roblox Challenge

Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). After Chad Wild Clay made "HE STOLE MY DOG so I Survived the World’s Dirtiest Tunnel Underground", Vy Qwaint created "THE END… of PZ KILLER vs SPY NINJAS – Final Battle Royale", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "Guess WHO Has a Secret Boyfriend or Girlfriend on…


Spy Ninjas is a collection of 6 different channels (see below). ▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merchandise – ▶ SPY NINJA NETWORK – ▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website – Watch Spy Ninjas here: ▶ Chad – ▶ Vy – ▶ Daniel – ▶ Regina – ▶ Melvin PZ9…