Testing CRAZY chemistry recipes from a 1933 formulary book (part 4)

From styropyro.

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In this video I test even more crazy recipes from the notorious 1933 chemical formulary.
0:00 intro
0:55 cancer sticks
2:50 lab top stain
5:32 coloring coal
7:16 cyanide ant killer
7:40 artificial fog
9:34 artificial perspiration
10:28 chloroform medicine
10:46 arsenic smoke effect
11:44 silver plate bone
12:52 bone hurting juice
14:07 mercury stomach gas relief
14:26 blue light of death
16:07 hole plug
17:45 mercury lotion
18:03 fake rocks with uranium
19:58 glow-in-the-dark pigment
21:08 toilet vinegar
21:52 FBI visit
24:06 outro